Part 34

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Taehyung looked up from the book he was reading with a smile, "Yeah Jiminie?"

"It's Mother's Day soon..."

Taehyung's smile turned fake quickly, "Mhm. 3 days."

"I want to go see my mom for Mother's Day, and I was hoping you would come with me?"

"Oh. I-"

"You don't have to!" Jimin panicked, "But Jungkook is going with me as usual, and I thought that maybe it was a good time for you to meet her!"

He shrieked when Taehyung stood up and pulled him down on the couch, the movement quick and unexpected, "I'd love to Jiminie. I promise, I really do want to."

"But..?" Jimin settled Taehyung on his lap gently.

"But Yoongi Hyung and I are probably going to see Jin Hyung's parents."

"Oh...Um that's okay! Another time then..."

Taehyung cheekily smiled to himself when Jimin busied himself with the TV, looking a little dejected.


Jimin knocked on his mother's door with a bright grin. Jungkook stood beside him, looking equally as excited. Jimin's mom was basically his mom. Considering how un-motherly his biological mom is.

"Oh-Jiminie! Jungkookie! My babies!" Ms. Park covered her face with her hands in surprise, "I've missed you two! Come in, come in!"

Jimin dragged the backpack he had brought on the ground, while Jungkook carried his in one hand. They planned to stay only a few days, a surprise to Ms. Park.

"I was just making lunch! Good thing I already made extra!"

"Why'd you make extra Mom? Are you giving some to Mrs. Jung?" Jimin threw his backpack on the couch before he followed his mom into the kitchen.

"No, she's visiting her son! I have a guest!"

"Oh, I'm sorry if we're interrupting then," Jimin frowned, "We just wanted to surprise you."

Ms. Park smiled, a playful glint in her eyes, "I'm sure he'll be fine with it."

"He? Mom-"

"Oh dear calm down, he's a bit too young for me," She giggled to herself as she went back to the stove. The two boys sat at the island and watched, knowing they wouldn't be able to help in any way.

"So who is he then?"

A familiar giggle reached his ears, and he spun around on the stool to see Taehyung coming down from the stairs, "Hi Jiminie! Hi Kookie!"

Jungkook tilted his head curiously, "Baby what are you doing here? I thought you and Yoongi Hyung were visiting Jin Hyung's mom?"

"I was going to," Taehyung started. He skipped down the last few steps and pressed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead before he made it to Ms. Park's side, "But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet the loveliest woman in the world, now could I? Jinnie's mom will understand, she actually told me, in her words, to 'go see his mother before I kick you in your ass'. She's a firecracker, that woman."

Jimin was quiet.

Taehyung looked a bit nervous, "Jiminie. Can I talk to you for a bit?"

Jimin nodded, and brought him to his old room.

"She let me in because I told her I was Kookie's boyfriend. I didn't wanna tell her about us without you, and I didn't think she'd let some weirdo without any connection in. I hope you're not mad-"

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