Part 32

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Jungkook groaned loudly, interrupting the two who were trying to talk to him.


He rolled his eyes, "No. No, no and no. I agreed to see you again because I thought that maybe you actually wanted to talk."



"Stop interrupting me!" His father yelled, kicking the coffee table. The small gold tray, filled with magazines and a potted plant, toppled over with the table.

Jungkook didn't flinch, only clenched his jaw in anger. "That's it. I came for closure, I guess that this is the best I'm getting. By the way, I work for some of the most famous models in the industry, I don't need your poorly run business to keep me alive."

"You make money?"

"Yes I make money, and even if I didn't, I'm doing what I love. It's not just modeling either-I don't know why I'm telling you this." He sneered. "You don't deserve to know my success."

He turned in his heel, making for the front door. His fathers voice stopped him. "Jungkook....I'm sorry."

"What was that?"

"I'm...I'm so sorry." His father was wringing his hands nervously. "I'm an awful father."

"Yeah. You are." Jungkook scoffed. "I'm not buying it. Literally 20 seconds ago you kicked over a table because I said something you didn't like. You've already cut my cards, you haven't talked to me in months, you tried to ruin my relationship, what more could you want from me?"

"We need someone to take over the business sweetheart." His mother tried. "Your father...he's getting a bit too old for the stress of a very successful business. We want to hand it to someone we trust."

"No. I've said it since I was 12 years old, I don't want the damned business. I spent years wondering why you people didn't love me, and now I could care less. If you ever feel like being decent parents, you know where to find me."

He ignored their calls and threats echoing in the large living room, walking out of the front door with his head held high. He was proud of himself, as he should be. The pain in his heart had faded, more of a dull ache than anything at this point. It still hurt, but he would be okay. It was just like the last time he had talked to them.

Jimin was waiting outside with a sad smile, leaning against the car. "I take it didn't go well?"

"How'd you know? I thought I seem pretty happy."

Jimin shook his head. "I've known you your whole life, I know when you're sad. Come on, Tae's waiting back at home."

"This time no sugar and movie night, I'm pretty sure I gained like 10 pounds from last time."

"You work out, you'll be fine. Oh! Also, I was thinking-"

Jungkook scoffed, settling into the passengers seat with a huff. "That's never a good thing."

"-I wanna dye my hair again. Surprise Tae, ya know?"

Jungkook hummed. "Go....Actually, just dye it black."

(A/N: ngl I forgot their hair colors so...all I know is that Jungkook is blonde lmao)

"You sure?"

"Yeah. And maybe instead of just you dying your hair, bring Tae. Maybe he'll want his dyed too."

"Good idea, thanks Kook."

"So what's the special occasion?"

Jimin gave him a side eye, frowning. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you trying to surprise him and stuff?"

"Our 6 month anniversary?"


Jimin ignored him as they walked through the house, greeting Taehyung with a kiss before flipping Jungkook off.

"What happened?" Taehyung frowned, clinging to Jungkook.

"Nothing my love." Jungkook smiled. "'s my baby doing?"

Taehyung grinned, though he was skeptical. "I'm"

"Much better now. Cuddle?"

"Duh. Let's go get Jiminie!"

"No, I haven't gotten you to myself in a while." Jungkook pouted. "Just you and me."

"Okay? Sure I guess."

Jungkook picked him up and brought him to the couch with a bright smile, setting the smaller on his lap.

Taehyung relaxed into him with a sigh. He perked up as a thought occurred in his head. "Jungkookie..."


"Is there anything you want?"

"What do you mean my love?"

Taehyung pouted, tapping a finger against his chin. "If I were to get you something...what would it be?"

"Oh I don't know. I don't need anything baby, why do you ask?"

Taehyung seemed at a loss for words, shaking his head before getting off Jungkook's lap, saying he needed a drink.

"See? I told you, dickface." Jimin frowned, settling on the armchair.

"I'm sorry! I'm bad with dates, you know that!"

"Kook you know these things are important to him." Jimin sighed. "We're gonna go shopping tomorrow, since you clearly haven't gotten him anything yet."

"It's next week right?"

"Next Sunday."

"Oh, okay. Um, thanks Jimin."

"No problem. But if you forget again, we're gonna have a nice long chat, mkay?"

"Okay Jimin." Jungkook laughed, ignoring when Jimin yelled 'Hyung! Jimin Hyung!'.

Taehyung came back shortly after, holding a cup of hot chocolate, steam rising from the mug. "Why is Jiminie yelling at you?"

"No reason!" They both smiled, Jimin making grabby hands. He tugged the younger into his lap, grinning when Taehyung melted into him.

"You two are lying, but I'll let it slide for now, as long as you tell me eventually." Taehyung muttered, putting his legs on Jungkook's.

"We will, promise!" Jimin smiled, arms tightening around his waist. "It's important, we just can't tell you yet."

"Yeah yeah." Taehyung shrugged. "You're lucky I love you idiots. Otherwise I'd think you're cheating."

""We aren't idiots! And we sure as hell would never cheat!" Jungkook said, looking a little (a lot) offended.

"I know." Taehyung said, a small smile on his face. "I know."


965 words

Everyone go give love to JiminieHasGotJams11 for many reasons. 1, because I said so. 2, because I said so. 3, i would very much appreciate it. 4, Idk they deserve it. And 5, just do it pls

My soulmate is the best okay??

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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