Chapter 16

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Colin POV

"What is it, Kyle? What is so damn important that you had to interrupt me?" I demand, bursting through my friends door and storming over to him.

Kyle is standing in the middle of the living room, rapidly pressing the power button on the tv remote as he aims it at every square inch of the screen.

"I told you before, I can't turn on my tv." Kyle whines, not taking his eyes off the black screen. "Why are you so angry anyway? What's your big important thing you were doing?"

"It's none of your business." I say quickly, not wanting him to know what Megan and I were about to do.

He glances over at me with an all knowing smirk.

"None of my business, huh? I'm getting the feeling you don't want me to know something. And I bet that something is Megan." He says slyly.

"Yeah, and what about you and Greg? There seems to be something going on there too." I counter, crossing my arms.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kyle says quickly, looking back at the tv with a red face.

"Whatever. I don't have time for this." I snap, shaking my head.

I step forward and snatch the remote out of his hand. I open the back of it, and see to my immense annoyance that there aren't even any god damn batteries in it!

"Kyle, you thick son of a bitch! There's no batteries in here!" I nearly yell, throwing the remote back at him.

"Wha?" He questions, fumbling to catch the remote. He then looks at the back of it, where the batteries are supposed to be, then adds. "Oh, yeah. You're right. Thanks!"

I roll my eyes, then walk back to the door.

"Wait! What batteries am I supposed to put in here?" He asks.

"Figure it out. Or call James." I snap, opening the door.

"James is busy, that's why I called you." Kyle explains.

"Busy with what? Being depressed?" I ask dryly.

"No. Actually, I think he's kind of drunk right now. And he's at a club, so someone's gotta drive him home." He looks at me apologetically, as if he expects me to drive James back.

"Well I'm not going to do it." I say bluntly, stepping out into the hall.

"But-" Kyle starts, but I slam the door before he can continue his sentence.

I guess I was being a little harsh, but all I want right now is Megan. I've never been in this kind of mood before, and I love it.

I speed walk all the way back to my dorm, and by the time I make it back, I'm a little out of breath. Although, I think I'm going to be out of breath for the rest of the night.

I walk back to my door, but right before I go inside, I hear Megan speaking.

"No! Stop! Go away!" She shouts, and I can tell there's someone else in there with her.

The only other person that could possibly be here is my roommate, Johnny. Of course.

I can feel my blood start to boil. I swear, if he touches her the wrong way, I will make him regret even looking at her.

I abruptly fling open the door, and see my girlfriend getting pinned to my bed. Johnny is holding her there by her shoulders, but as far as I can tell, he hasn't done anything to her yet.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell, storming over to him.

Before I can even touch him, however, he leaps off Megan and backs up, away from me.

"I wasn't doing anything." He says quietly.

"Get. Out." I order in a low voice.

Johnny ducks his head, then shuffles out of my room. I keep my fierce glare on him until he closes the door, then immediately put all my attention on Megan.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly, and she slowly gets up into a sitting position.

I sit down beside her, and wrap my arms around her. She hugs me back, breathing fast.

"I'm fine. All he did was pin me down. He didn't hurt me or anything." She says.

"I will make him regret what he did, and what he could have done." I growl, still feeling very angry.

"That wasn't the first time someone did that to me." She says, saying it so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

"What do you mean?" I ask, pulling back and looking into her eyes.

"There was this guy in my grade twelve drama class, his name was Jason." Megan starts, but her voice starts to crack and her eyes start to water, making her stop talking for a moment. After a few seconds, she continues.

"He wanted me to be his girlfriend, but I was dating Dean, and he knew that. All three of us were in the same class, that's how he knew I was taken. Anyway, it was always really awkward, but we were all stuck together. So the two of them had to get along. Long story short, we got Jason suspended one time, then he came back just before Halloween. And something really bad happened that Halloween."

She stops again, breathing a long sigh through her nose. I take her hand in mine, and give it a reassuring squeeze. She gives me a small smile, then continues her story.

"Dean and I went through a haunted house together, but we got separated from each other at one point. I tried to find him, but I ran into Jason instead. He brought me into another room, closed the door, and pinned me to the wall. I begged him to let me go, but he didn't listen to me. Instead, he started kissing me, then-"

She broke off again, covering her mouth as tears start to trickle down her face. I don't say anything, I just wait patiently for her to continue. Finally, she takes a deep breath, then speaks again.

"He was never able to take my clothes off though. Dean found us and beat him to the ground before he could do anything too terrible. He turned Jason into a pile of ashes after that." She finishes, with a choked sob-laugh.

"I'm sorry, Megan. I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. You know that I would never, ever do that to you, right?" I plead, hoping desperately that she knows that I will never hurt her.

"I know, Colin. I trust you." Megan reassures me, smiling again.

"So I take it that you don't want to make out anymore?" I ask lightly, grinning slightly.

She laughs, then says. "How about we just sleep? Maybe we can try again later, but right now I just want to cuddle."

"I'm good with that." I agree.

We lay down together, and I pull the blankets up over us. Megan lays her head on my chest, and I wrap my arms around her. I pull her close to me, and rest my cheek on the top of her head.

I close my eyes, and my last waking thought is.

"I'm glad I went to college."

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