Chapter 41

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Colin POV

"Shadows in the ice." I start, sitting on my bed back in my dorm room.

Megan is sitting behind me, with her arms wrapped around my stomach and her chin resting on my shoulder. She's reading along on the paper I'm holding, but I want to narrate anyway.

     "The forest was dark, still and quiet. Nothing moved, not even the slightest creak of a tree echoed in the air. The snow on the ground lay still, smooth and undisturbed. Through the shadows lay a cabin, rustic and old, but still in use. Smoke billowed out of the chimney, and the warm glow of the light inside lit up the snow around it, turning it gold. In the middle of the night, when her parents were fast asleep, a girl snuck out of her room and left the cabin. The girl was told to never leave the cabin alone, and to never go out at night. Of course, she was curious, so she would naturally disobey her parents, and venture into the dark forest alone, unaware of the monsters that lurk within the trees."

     After I read that sentence, I can feel Megan tense up against my back. Even though this happened to her three weeks ago, it still seems to haunt her. It haunts me too, and in all honesty, I was a little worried I wasn't going to make it back to college two days ago.

"She stalked through the trees, breaking the silence at last with her footsteps crunching through the snow. The shadows started to swallow her up, but she felt no panic or urgency. She was at peace, where there was no one to bother her. It was simple dead silence, where she was the only one who could make a noise. After long moments of walking, the girl came across a sparkling frozen pond. She stepped onto the ice without any hesitation, then looked down at her reflection on the cold surface. She could feel herself getting sucked down into a strange trance, but it was immediately shattered when two hands slammed against the ice on the other side. The girl shrieked in terror, and at that moment the ice splintered apart, sending her crashing down into oblivion."

     I can feel Megan's heart picking up speed, and I feel a little bad. Am I scaring her? Does she want me to stop reading? She doesn't say anything though, so I continue.

     "The girl felt a searing pain all over her body. She felt as if a red hot knife was being pressed against her skin. She tried to scream in pain, but all that came out of her mouth were bubbles. She tried to think of a way out, but all that was going through her mind was the intense white hot pain she was experiencing."

     I based this part off of myself. I brought back the feeling of the freezing cold water surrounding me. This is what I felt when I fell in, and I truly hope that Dean feels the same thing. I know that sounds cruel, but he nearly killed my girlfriend. And if he ever tries again, I'll kill him first.

     "The girl thrashed in the water, but her energy was slowly fading, along with her consciousness. She sank lower and lower into the pond, and once she finally reached the bottom, her heart stopped, and her skin turned to ice."

     I turn my head to look at my girlfriend, and she gives me a faintly amused expression.

     "I take it I'm the girl who gets yanked down into the pond and dies, right?" She asks dryly.

     "Uh....yeah." I say, suddenly feeling awkward.

     "Way to kill your girlfriend, Colin. Good job." She says with a laugh.

     "I'm sorry, but you gave me good inspiration." I say, with a flirtatious grin.

     Megan rolls her eyes with a smile creasing her lips. She then leans forward and kisses me. I kiss her back, feeling relieved that she isn't actually mad at me.

     After a moment, she pulls back and gives me an unreadable look. "Was the demon in the ice Dean?" She asks.

     "Um, well, yeah kinda." I admit, not meeting her eyes.

     "Are you worried he's going to kill me?" She asks softly.

     I don't respond right away, because a sudden surge of emotions comes crashing into me. I feel really sad, and angry and scared. I'm sad because Megan is constantly in danger, and she can't have a normal life. I'm angry at Dean for being so possessive, and I'm scared that I am going to lose my girlfriend. I finally know what love feels like, and I do not want to lose it.

     Finally, I let out a long sigh through my nose, then say. "Yeah, I am."

     I can feel tears forming in my eyes, and I turn my head away from Megan, so she won't see me cry. That doesn't happen though, as she gets off the bed and crouches beside me.

     "I won't let him kill me. I'll kill him first, if I have to. But there won't be any killing at all, as long as we stay away from him. We'll be okay, I promise." She says calmly, which makes me feel really bad, since she's the one who got attacked.

     Megan gets back on the bed and hugs me tight, then says. "We'll be alright."

     I wrap my arms around her too, then whisper.

     "I hope so."

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