Chapter 14

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Dean POV

     I study myself in my car mirror, mainly just to make sure I don't look too homicidal and crazy, which I don't really.

     Today is the day where I go from building to building, searching for Megan. It's going to be tricky though, because I have no idea what major she's taking, and all the residence buildings are like hotels, meaning there are hundreds of rooms. There is no way in hell that I can go door to door asking for a girl with brown hair and green eyes. Like I said before, someone is bound to call the police.

     I just have to hope that I'll be lucky enough to catch Megan going to or from one of her classes. All I need is to see her again, even from a distance, just to make sure she is okay, and even here in the first place.

     She should be though, since her phone signal was picked up in this general area. Either that, or I'm a complete moron who can't hack for the life of me, even if there was a gun pointed at my head.

     I just have to believe she's here. After all, she needs me, and I'm the only one who can protect her.


     I walk into the first building as casually as possible. I decide to pull my hood down to make myself appear less sketchy, even if that means revealing my messy reddish brown hair.

     From what I can tell, this place looks like some sort of sports stadium. As I pass the different rooms, they either have sports equipment or is an actual gym. There are some workout rooms too, and all the hallways I walk through seem to have motivational posters about success and believing in yourself and all that stupid shit.

     I realize I'm wasting my time here. There's no chance that Megan is here, she hates cardio, so it's completely stupid to think that I would find her in a place like this.

     So, I leave the building and try the next one.

     The following three buildings I walk into are pretty much dead ends. One was a science building, another was infested with greenhouses, and the last was sort of a recreational area. That one gave me hope for a hot second, until I realized it was mainly meant for nerds to play chess and talk about books and stuff. So, no. Not a Megan place either.

     I walk into the fifth building, feeling my energy and hope drain away. It's also starting to get dark too, so this is the last one I'll be going to before I call it a day.

     It's harder to tell what exactly this one is for, but there's a lot of lecture halls and basic classrooms, so my guess is something to do with math or English, or both.

     As I'm walking down the halls, a very loud alarm starts going off, and for a moment I'm worried I somehow set it off, until I realize it's the bell signalling the end of class.

     Students come pouring out of the classrooms, so I figure it's probably a good idea for me to dip before someone gets suspicious, because they don't recognize me.

     I turn around to leave, but I get a creeping sensation that someone is watching me. I scan the area, and come across someone who is looking in my direction from another hall. He has blonde hair, and looks pretty average, since I don't really know how else to describe him. He does have a thoughtful look on his face though, from what I can see anyway.

     He doesn't stare for too long though, as he realizes I'm looking back at him. Instead, he turns around and walks away from me.

     I decide to follow him, because I really don't have anything to lose at this point.

     I trail him loosely out of the building and down a sidewalk, until we reach a courtyard. He then takes a different path that leads away from the buildings and towards a secluded park. As I get closer, I realize it's a skate park. There's already four other people there, but it's hard to tell what they look like from this far away.

     After a few minutes of watching them from the shadows of a nearby building, I decide to give up for now, and try again tomorrow. However, as I am about to leave, I see another person joining the group.

     At first it's hard to tell if it's a girl or a boy, since it looks like they are wearing a hoodie, but from the right angle, I see their body structure better, and realize it's a girl.

     I squint a little, trying to make out her details. As I do so, I can feel my heart picking up speed, and I'm pretty sure it just skipped a beat.


     No, it can't be. Can it?

     "Megan." I breathe, studying her over and over again to make sure it's really her.

     It is. It's Megan! I found her, and now I can make her mine again.

     I step forward, planning out what exactly I'm going to do to get her attention, but when I look closer, I realize she's walking over to the blonde boy who I was just following.

     My heart stops, as my worst fear is coming to life right before my eyes.

     She leans into him, and he turns his head towards her. I feel my eyes start to water, and my vision becomes blurred, but I can still tell what's happening.

     The blonde haired boy and Megan kiss, and in that exact moment, my heart shatters into a million pieces.

Dying For LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora