Chapter 29

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Megan POV

"I have to do this. I have to, for Colin's sake. If I don't give myself to Dean, he will murder everyone in his path, including Colin. No, actually, definitely Colin. He will be the first target, or last. Actually, last makes more sense. Colin will die trying to protect me, but I won't let that happen. If I give myself up, Dean will hopefully leave him alone. Especially if I promise that he can do anything he wants to me, in exchange for not killing or hurting Colin in any way." I decide, laying awake next to my boyfriend.

I have a vague idea as to what Dean is going to do to me, but I don't want to think about that right now. Instead, I slowly get up into a sitting position. I then carefully take the blankets off me and slide off Colin's bed, trying extremely hard not to wake him. I quietly put my clothes back on, then open the door slowly. As soon as the crack is big enough to squeeze through, I slip out into the main room and close the door behind me. I creep over past the kitchen and to the main door leading out into the hallway. Before I leave, however, I look over at the knife holder that's full of knives in the kitchen.

I remember the last time I stabbed Dean with a knife, the night he tried to kill me. I remember how he pinned me to the ground, and when I looked into his eyes I didn't see the Dean I fell in love with, I saw the dark side of him. I then stabbed him in the side with the knife I was holding. I remember the sickening feeling of metal slicing through flesh, and the scream of my attacker.

The chances of me being able to kill Dean before he kills me is quite unlikely, but I want to defend myself somehow. So, I walk over to the knife holder and pick one that will fit in my pocket. I then glance at Colin's door, then make my way out of his dorm and into the hallway, with the knife in my back pocket.


I sit on one of the park benches in the skatepark. It's about ten o'clock at night, so it's pretty much pitch black outside. It's also windy and cold and kind of creepy out here. That's also part of the reason why I brought a knife with me, just in case there's some other wacko that approaches me that isn't Dean.

I'm currently holding my knife in my hand, angling it so I can see my reflection. I don't look particularly scared, in fact, I just look numb. As if I'm ready for Dean to take me.

I'm abruptly snapped out of my trance when I hear a stick snap to my left. I look over and see a small patch of trees beyond the chain link fence. I squint into the darkness, and my heart immediately stops.

In the shadows, there is a black figure creeping towards me.

Colin POV

I roll over, still mostly asleep. I tighten my grip around Megan, by my arms close around nothing. I slowly peel my eyes open and blink a few times, looking at where Megan is supposed to be. She's not here though, she's gone.

Oh shit.

I thought this would be enough to make her stay, but apparently not. I jolt up in my bed and rip the sheets off me. I get my clothes on as fast as I can, then run out the door. I run down the hallway, deciding my best bet is looking for her outside.

There's no way in hell that I'm losing her. I'm not letting my girlfriend go that easily.

I make it outside, where it's already really dark out, which will make it harder to find Megan. Although, it seems a little pointless to run around aimlessly. She would probably go somewhere she's familiar with. Somewhere she's been before.

I stop in my tracks, a thought striking me like a lightning bolt.

The skatepark.

I abruptly change direction and race over to the place where the skater gang always used to hang out at.

I can see the silhouettes of the structures ahead, and as I get closer, I can make out the lone figure of a person. Realizing it's Megan, I speed up. I jump the fence and run over to her.

"Megan!" I cry, feeling relief wash over me.

She abruptly jumps up, and to my surprise, points a knife at me. I skid to a stop, but end up losing balance and falling back.

"Oh, shit! Colin, I'm sorry. I thought you were....someone else." Megan says apologetically.

She helps me up, and in the faint light of the moon, I can see her giving me a guilty and scared look.

"You shouldn't be here. You need to go, now." She orders, looking more so sad than scared.

"The same goes for you. Please, Megan. Don't do this." I say desperately.

I hate to beg, but if that's the only way to make her not do this, then so be it.

"I'm doing this for you. To keep you safe. This is the only way." Megan says quietly.

"No, it's not. We will keep each other safe." That's when a thought occurs to me that should have really occurred to me much sooner. "Maybe we should call the police."

"No." She says immediately, her voice laced with fear. "If Dean gets arrested he could blackmail me, even in prison. He has dirt on me. Remember Jason? I helped kill him, Colin. I helped Dean commit murder. I'm just as much of a criminal as he is."

"Megan, you're not a criminal. You are nothing like Dean. He might not even be here. Jasper's death might have just been a coincidence. Just come back inside, and we can figure this out, okay?" I plead, holding out my hand.

She hesitates for a moment, but slowly places her hand in mine. I give her a small smile, but something catches my eye. There's movement in the trees behind Megan. I look closer, and see someone dressed in all black, kneeling down. They have something in their hand, and seems to be concentrating on Megan.

Out of instinct, I jolt forward and shove her out of the way, and at the same moment a loud bang echoes around the park.

At first I feel nothing, a strange numbness, but then a searing pain starts to build up in my side. I can feel something warm trickle down my body, staining my shirt in the process. I fall to the ground, and in the distance I can hear Megan screaming. I try to get up and help her, but my limbs feel like cinder blocks, and my vision is getting hazy.

I want to get up and fight, but I can't. All I can do is let myself fall into eternal darkness.

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