Chapter 3

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Megan POV

The next day I go to my class. My very first class at college!

It starts at ten, and goes until three. So kind of a long day, but it's worth it. I'm majoring in art, so this is sort of a beginner art course to get me started.

I walk into the room, and take in my surroundings.

It's a large room with half of one wall made completely of windows, so it lets in a lot of natural light. All around the room are four large wooden tables with stools all around them. The tables are plastered in all sorts of paint and other art materials, but that's to be expected in a place like this.

Most of the spots are taken, but there is one free spot at the table closest to me. It's at the end of the table, and beside a girl with very long straight blonde hair.

I go over to it and sit down. The girl beside me turns her head and smiles at me. She's very pretty, with blue eyes and bangs. She wears a fair amount of makeup, but without overdoing it. This one definitely strikes me as a Barbie girl.

"Hi, I'm Jenny." She says in a high voice.

"I'm Megan." I respond, smiling back.

"You're majoring in art too? What are you wanting to get into? Anything in particular?" She rapid fire asks questions at me, and it's hard to keep up with what she's saying, due to how fast she's talking.

"I want to get into graphic design." I say, hoping that answers her questions. "You?"

"I want to be an arts and crafts counsellor." Jenny says, smiling even more.

"Jenny, that's not a thing." A guy beside her says with a laugh.

He leans over the table so he can make eye contact with me.

He's actually pretty attractive, with his dark brown hair, tanned skin and brown eyes. He smiles at me, and I smile back.

"It so is a thing!" Jenny cries, wacking the guy on the arm. "Don't pay attention to him, he's annoying." She adds breezily, smiling at me again.

"Hi, I'm Annoying, Jenny's boyfriend." The guy, apparently now named Annoying, says to me.

He gives me an amused look, that kind of reminds me of someone....No. Don't think about him. He's gone now, and is never coming back.

Jenny rolls her eyes, then says in exasperation. "No, your name is Max, and you are a complete moron."

"Yeah, but you love this moron." Max says sweetly.

He leans over and kisses Jenny, which gives me a strange lonely feeling.

"I miss having a boyfriend. I miss having someone to kiss, and hug, and cuddle with. I miss having someone to go to who cares about me like how no one else does. I miss Dean." I realize, feeling a stab of guilt.

I know I shouldn't miss him, I mean, I have tons of reasons why I should hate him. I can't though, a part of me still loves him, and I think I will always love him, deep down.

For the rest of class, we work on some starter projects and practice using some unfamiliar materials.

All the while, Jenny talks to me about her and Max.

They were apparently together since grade nine, and were inseparable ever since. They're now in the same college, and plan to stay together all the way through until they graduate. They apparently want to get married after that, and start a family while they're still young.

Personally, I think that's crazy detailed and very far planned ahead, but hey, it's their lives.

Initially, I thought that Jenny would be a stereotypical princess, and Max would be the knight in shining armour, but that's not the case at all. Jenny isn't just a pretty face, she's also super smart too. She wanted to get into veterinary school at first, but Max would be here, so she sacrificed her dream just so she could be with her one true love.

Max on the other hand, he always wanted to be a game designer, and stuck by that dream his entire life. It seems like the only two things he cares about is video games and his girlfriend.

I told them about my dream to become a graphic designer, and I was tempted to tell them about my crazy experiences in high school, but decided not to.

I'm not sure I want anyone knowing my past. I mean, isn't the whole point of this to start over and become a new person? Plus, how the hell would I explain Dean? He's the crazy ex-boyfriend that no one talks about, except at parties or something.

So for now, I want to stay ordinary and basic. I don't want to draw too much attention to myself, because that didn't go too well last time.


After class, I decide to go to a coffee shop nearby on campus. It looks pretty warm and cozy from the pictures I've seen, and their drinks look really good.

I put in my earbuds while I'm walking, so I can listen to my music.

About five minutes into walking down the sidewalk, I pass a large building with long flat steps leading down to the sidewalk I'm walking on. Out of my peripheral vision, I see a group of boys shouting and laughing at each other, and I'm pretty sure they're riding skateboards too.

I don't think much of it though, I just keep listening to my music and keep walking. I don't get very far though, as something very solid and heavy decides to crash into me.

I let out an alarmed gasp, as I fall over and smack my elbow painfully on the sidewalk.

"Ah!" I yelp, as the pain from the hard impact on the cement below me kicks in.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" A voice asks directly above me.

I finally realize that there is a person laying on top of me, but he has moved off enough so that he is now hovering over me.

I study him for a moment. It might just be the adrenaline from the sudden impact I just experienced, but I feel kind of weird. Like that feeling I got when I first met Dean.

This boy looks completely different from him though. He has blonde hair that drapes over his warm brown eyes a little, with light but slightly tanned skin. His expression is nervous and apologetic, but I can also tell that he's trying not to laugh, or smile.

Finally, I come back to my senses, and answer him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"That's good." The boy says with a relieved sigh.

He gets completely off me, then helps me stand up.

"Again, I'm really sorry. I thought it would be a good idea to skateboard down the stairs, but I didn't see you walking until I actually starting going. I yelled at you to move, but I guess you didn't hear me." He explains with the same nervously apologetic face.

"Yeah, earbuds." I explain, holding up the wires that were ripped out of my ears when I fell.

Luckily, my phone didn't break, so I'll just be leaving with a bruised elbow.

"I'm er....I'm Colin. Colin Grey." He says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Megan White." I respond, smiling at him.

He looks as if he's trying to hold back a grin as he says. "That's funny. Both of our last names are colours."

"Shades actually, but yeah, you're right." I agree, laughing a little.

Colin's attempt to control his facial expressions completely fails, as he breaks into a grin and laughs as well.

"Well, if there's anything I can do to make up for running over you with my skateboard, let me know." He offers, still smiling at me.

I think for a moment, then say.

"Actually, I was about to go to a coffee shop nearby. Would you like to come with me?"

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