Chapter 38

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Dean POV

I race through the dark trees, with Johnny close behind me. I scan the forest ahead of me for the glowing pink dot in the distance. I'm so close to getting Megan back. So close.

The dot is bobbing and swaying in the distance, which means she is still running, but I am faster than her, and stronger. I know I can't just leap on top of her though, I need to be smart about this. If she sees me running after her, she could easily scream for help. The best approach is to sneak up on her, and seduce her.

I'm slowly gaining on the pink dot, which seems to be slowing down. It then abruptly comes to a complete stop, standing right in the middle of a small clearing. I look over at Johnny, signalling for him to do his part. He slowly creeps forward, then makes a wide circle around Megan, so he's in front of her.

I hide behind a tree near me, and start setting up the sedative. In the background, I can hear Johnny snap a stick, and a female voice gasping. I slowly look out from behind the tree, and see Megan squinting into the darkness, where Johnny is hiding somewhere.

It's hard to see for sure that it's Megan, but she starts scrambling for something in her coat pocket. When she pulls it out, I realize it's a flashlight, and when she turns it on, I see her familiar light brown hair. It is her.

Megan shines the flashlight into the trees, and behind one, there is movement. She suddenly starts back, and I realize she's about to bolt. I quickly shove the needle in my pocket, then leap forward. I charge towards Megan, then bowl her to the ground. Before she can react, I grab onto her wrists and pin them to the ground.

She opens her mouth to scream, but I let go of one wrist and slam my hand down on her mouth, making the scream muffled and harder to hear.

Finally, I have her in my clutches, at last.

Megan POV

"Okay, here's the rules." Colin says, rummaging through his bag. "We each get a glow stick, so we can track each other easier. For some reason we all like to wear dark colours, so these glow sticks will make us more visible to each other."

He finally pulls out a small plastic package, then opens it. He gives a orange glow stick to Charles, a green one to James, a pink one to me, and he keeps a blue one for himself.

I crack the glow stick and shake it, making the pink colour way brighter and noticeable. I then put the string that's attached to it around my neck. It rests in the middle of my coat zipper, right where my hair ends.

There's a small flashlight in my coat pocket, along with a small kitchen knife. It reminds me of the one I used to stab Dean with when he tried to kill me, all those months ago.

"Alright, so only use the knife if you need to, obviously. That means no stabbing other players. I'm looking at you, James." Colin says sternly, giving the eboy a sharp look.

"I wouldn't stab anyone here!" James says indignantly. "Except for maybe Charles."

Charles lightly punches James in the arm, in which he is rewarded with a deep scowl.

"Right, well, no violence of any kind. Next, try not to use your flashlight when hiding, but you can if you feel unsafe. When you are caught, turn your flashlight on and go back to the cabin. Stay there and don't go back outside until I get back. The game will last one hour exactly, so put a timer on your phone. If you're not back in the cabin by ten minutes after your timer goes off, we will come looking for you, which is something that I really don't want to do. So get your ass back here right away." Colin explains, looking at all of us in a serious, and slightly concerned way.

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