Chapter 43

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WARNING: The end of this chapter has a vague description of sexual harassment.

Megan POV

"Do this too much?" I ask Colin breathlessly.

"No, it's great....I really enjoy it. Do you?" He responds, equally out of breath.

"Absolutely." I say with a laugh.

I roll to the side in my bed and kiss my boyfriend. He kisses back, and I move on top of him. We're both pretty sweaty, so our skin kind of sticks together, but I don't mind.

It's Friday afternoon, and we both got our marks back from our projects we did before Christmas. We both did really well, so we decided to go back to my dorm to....celebrate. One thing led to another, and here we are, butt ass naked.

I'm also pleased to say that I'm starting to get over the whole pond incident, and I'm thinking about Dean less and less. There hasn't been any sign of him for nearly five days now, so either he's in a coma, or he's dead. If he were conscious right now, I'm sure he'd be storming the college by now, but everything is quiet and normal. He's not here, and I am safe. Totally and completely safe.

After a few hot minutes of making out, we decide to get up and put our clothes back on. After that, we mainly just talk, and I show him a project I've been working on. A few minutes later, I hear a knock at the door, and when I open it, I see Kate on the other side.

"Hey! I brought something for you." She says brightly, handing me a piece of paper.

I look at it, and realize it's an invitation to a frat party.

"You got an invitation to a frat party? Am I your plus one?" I ask, giving her a confused look.

"Not quite. My boyfriend, Brett, is hosting the party with all of his hockey friends. Since I'm his girlfriend, I'm immediately invited, and I get to invite someone else, and they get to have a plus one." Kate explains excitedly.

"So I'm the person you're inviting, and I get to invite someone to go with me." I clarify slowly.

"Yep, that's how parties work." Kate confirms, now with a slight edge of impatience to her voice.

I'm not a huge party girl, but I've never been to a frat party before, and it could be fun. I feel like Colin would have a good time, and if James is invited (which I'm sure he will be), then he can invite Charles and we can all go together as a group.

"Uh, great. Okay. Thanks Kate." I say awkwardly, starting to close the door again.

"No, wait!" Kate says quickly, pushing against the door to keep it open. "What are you going to wear?"

"Uhhh...." I say, looking at her blankly.

In the past, I've only ever borrowed Jenny's dresses, but all of them are gone now. I could wear the dress I wore to her funeral, but that would be a little morbid and fucked up. So, I pretty much have nothing to wear.

"I thought so." She gives me a playfully exasperated look. "Come on girl, we're going dress shopping."


Half an hour later, Kate and I are in a store full of fancy party dresses. Colin is in another store with James and Charles, picking out tuxedos (preferably ones that weren't worn to funerals). As I suspected, James got an invite to the party too, and he of course invited Charles.

I wander around the store, only half listening to Kate blabber on about her skin tone and what colours would look nice with it. She already has a huge pile of dresses draped over her arm, some of which are meant for me.

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