Chapter 26

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Colin POV

A murderer. Megan was in love with a goddamn murderer! She let a serial killer fuck her! She lost her virginity to a psychopath. She slept with a guy that took pleasure in spilling other people's blood. He killed innocent people, and Megan loved him anyway.

I'm sure I look absolutely bewildered right now, but I can't keep the shock off my face. It just doesn't make sense, on both of their parts. One of the most outstanding questions for me is why Dean fell in love with Megan? I mean, I can see the appeal, but him being the person he is, why did he put in all that effort? If he really wanted her body, he could have just raped her then killed her after. Okay, that sounds bad coming from me, but I'm not saying that's what he should have done, I'm saying that he could have done it, but he didn't. Why? Can a person like him seriously have enough morals to genuinely fall in love with someone, stay with them, and not kill them?

Now, on Megan's side of the spectrum, how the hell did she catch feelings for him in the first place?! She couldn't have known he was a murderer, right? She wouldn't have willingly had sex with him if she knew what he did. My guess is that she was clueless to his secret life until something slipped, and she caught on. That's when he tried to kill her, but she escaped. After that she went to college, but Dean somehow managed to follow her, and now he's killing off all the people close to her, so he can get to her. At that point, she would have no one left, and most likely submit to him. That's his plan, it's got to be.

"I'm sorry, Colin." Megan suddenly whispers, snapping me out of my rushing river of thoughts. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this. Maybe I should do the rest of this alone. Maybe you should stay away from me. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to die helping me. Ma-maybe I should ju-just tur-turn myself in to Dean. He'll- he'll take me a-as his own, and I'll beg him not to hur-hurt you or anyone else I c-care about. He'll listen to me, as lo-long as I pr-promise to do an-anything he says."

She starts hiccuping over her words, as more tears start to fall from her eyes. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm not super keen on the idea of getting tortured and brutally murdered by her crazy petty ex, but if it means keeping Megan safe, I would do anything.

"Megan." I say softly, moving my hands from her shoulders to the sides of her face. "I'm not going to leave you, no matter what. I'm going to keep you safe, no matter what Dean tries to do to us. And I'm sure as hell not going to let you throw yourself at his mercy. I love you, and I am not going to lose you."

It takes me a second to register what I just said, but I soon realize I just admitted that I love her, which is something I've never done before. I watch her expression closely, and too my delight, her tear stained face breaks into a smile.

"I love you too, Colin." Megan replies, with a choked laugh.

I smile at her, but I'm starting to get that feeling of lust I first got the night we made out in my room. I realize this is probably one of the worst places to make out in, but we're alone in a secluded spot. We also have to kill time somehow, waiting for James and Charles to show up again.

So, against my better judgment, I lean my head down further, and press my lips onto hers. She kisses back, and our kiss tastes a little salty due to the tears that are still plastered to Megan's face, but I don't mind. We start off slow, but our kissing becomes faster and more urgent. At some point I slide my tongue into her mouth, and she does the same to me. After a few minutes, I slide my hands down from her face to the back of her legs. I lift her off the ground, and she immediately wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I press her against the wall again, and now that she's taller than me, my mouth drifts from her mouth to her jawline. I graze my lips along the bone, and once I reach the spot just below her ear, I bite down on it softly. Megan lets out a slight gasp, and I pull my mouth away for a moment, breathing against her skin. I then bite her earlobe lightly, then trail my lips down her neck. I kiss, bite and suck her skin, causing her to let out various noises from her mouth. I finally reach her collarbone, and explore that area with my mouth, until I reach the top of her shirt.

I want to keep going, quite badly actually, but I'm not sure that's a good idea, for several different reasons. One, I just mentally dissed Dean a few minutes ago for having sex with Megan, so that would be a little hypocritical of me if we rip our clothes off and go at it here and now. Two, this is kind of a strange place to have sex, and if we're unfortunate enough for a bystander to pass by and see us, it could come across as rape and I could be in some deep shit. And three, we have things to do today that are more important than impulsive sexual intercourse, such as finding a particular missing person that may already be extremely dead.

So, I reluctantly decide that our clothes stay on, but that doesn't stop me from migrating back to Megan's lips. We keep kissing in a very passionate way for a while, and it's starting to feel like I'm floating away into a fantasy land where there is no violence or death or suicide or murder. Everything is just perfect, because I have my girlfriend with me, and nothing can ruin this moment. Except-

"Hey, fucklovers! Time to go." An annoyed voice shouts at us from the sidewalk.

We both look over simultaneously, to see James and Charles standing there. James, of course, just looks plain annoyed and impatient. Charles, on the other hand, looks very amused.

I feel my face heating up as I let go of Megan, and we walk back to them.

"How'd it go?" I ask, trying to act as if they didn't just walk into my spontaneous make out session with my girlfriend.

"Oh, quite well." James says, rolling his eyes. "While you two were sucking each other's faces off, we figured out that Jasper's phone signal is coming from an old abandoned warehouse a few blocks away from here."

"Oh, that's great! Let's go then." Megan says brightly, walking down the sidewalk as if she knows the exact coordinates of the building.

"Um, you might want the address to the place first, before you go charging down the sidewalk." I say with a laugh.

"Oh." Megan says, whirling around. "Yeah, that might help."


After about half an hour of hunting down the location of the warehouse, we finally make it to our destination. It certainly does look worn down, to say the least. In fact, it looks like it's about to cave in on itself. How the hell has Jasper been staying in this place for over a month?

We cautiously walk inside, and almost immediately, I am greeted with the worst smell I've ever smelled in my life. It's like I'm breathing in blood, garbage and something dead and decaying all at once.

"Ah! What the fuck is that smell?!" James demands, pulling up his shirt over his nose.

"That would be the smell of something that was alive, now dead and decaying." Megan says, almost calmly. "My guess, is something big."

She walks forward, seemingly unbothered by the stench around us. I join her, and the other two reluctantly follow. It seems as if we're completely alone in here, so we decide to split into pairs. Megan and I take one half of the warehouse, while Charles and James take the other.

I drift away from Megan briefly, to check out a small pile of crates, but she's on the other side, so we're not too far away from each other. After a few moments of silence, a shriek rips through the air, and I immediately rush over to Megan.

The scream came from her, and I see her standing behind a pillar, staring at something tied to it. Tears are streaming down her face, and I walk over to her, pulling her into a hug. I look over at what is tied to the pillar, then instantly regret it.

There is a chair tied to the pillar with a thick rope, and in between the chair and the rope, is Jasper. That would have been great news, if his throat wasn't slashed open and half his body decayed. Both of his eyes are missing, his skin is bone pale, and almost all of his hair is gone. Jasper is definitely, one hundred percent, dead.

I look down at the base of the chair, and realize there is something written on the ground. My guess is that it is written with Jasper's blood, since it's a really dark shade of red. I read it, and my stomach drops.

Give me what I want, or you will be next.

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