Chapter 28

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WARNING: The second half of this chapter is lemon.

Megan POV

I look at my distorted reflection in the glass. I turn it slowly to see my face warp in different ways. I see the proportions of my face alter, shrink and grow.

As I'm turning the glass cup around and around (even though I should be cleaning it, not staring at it), someone comes up to the bar. I instantly snap out of my weird trance, and focus all my attention on the customer.

"I would like one Dean please, with extra Jasper's blood." The man says, smiling slightly.

"Sorry?" I ask, blinking slowly at the guy on the other side of the bar.

I must have heard him wrong, but why do I feel like I'm in a dream? Everything feels as if it's underwater. I feel as if I'm underwater. I feel like I'm drowning, like I'm sinking deeper into a endless black abyss.

"I said, I would like one wine please, with extra liquor." The man repeats, and this time I know I heard him properly.

"Sure thing." I say, starting to make his drink.

It's been two days since finding Jasper's body in the warehouse. In the end, we stashed it in another room, hopefully safe from the police finding it. There wasn't much we could do about the message, so we just scraped some dirt and loose debris over it. So far, nothing has come of it, but one thing is for certain. Dean is here. He's found me, and now he's practically haunting me. To say that I'm scared shitless is an understatement. I really don't want him to get his hands on me (quite literally actually), but I don't want to see Colin or any of my other friends get hurt. If I have to sacrifice myself for them to stay alive, that's what I will do.

That's what I have been warring with for the past forty eight hours. Should I stay with Colin and put him in danger of getting killed by Dean, but we stay together and are happy for a while longer. Or do I walk out into the open and wait for Dean to capture me, where in exchange for sparring Colin's life I would have to let my ex boyfriend do whatever he wants to me?

The first option is simple, safe and happy for a short term plan, but it's not going to stay like that forever. We would just be postponing the inevitable, where Dean will eventually track us down, kill Colin in a horrible way, and make me his again. The second option is better for Colin's well-being long term, where the likelihood of him living is much higher. Dean gets what he wants, and everyone I care about won't die. For me though, it will be living hell. I don't know exactly what Dean will do to me, but my guess is that he's not going to make a picnic under the stars again.

So, it's between selfish short term happiness, or selfless long term torture. I know what I should do, but I don't want to, but I know I have to. I know what I'm going to have to do.


After my shift at work, I get into Colin's car and we drive back to residence.

"How'd it go?" Colin asks lightly.

"Oh, uh great. Um, good. It went well." I say, and even to my own ears I know that I'm lying.

"You're still thinking about Jasper, aren't you?" Colin realizes, glancing at me.

"I'm worrying about you. The longer you're around me, the more danger you're in. I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want you to end up like Jasper. That's all I've been thinking about for the past forty eight hours." I explain, giving my boyfriend a pleading look.

"Megan, I'm not going to end up tied to a chair with my eyes missing, okay? If you're suggesting that we should break up, that's not happening. I'm not going to let your crazy ex ruin our relationship." Colin says, not looking too concerned about all of this.

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