Chapter 32

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Dean POV

     I storm through the front door of my hotel room, feeling a mixture of anxiety and excitement prickle through my skin. Johnny is sitting at a small table in the living room, watching tv and eating pizza rolls.

     "Megan's been to the warehouse?" I demand, staring at him.

     Johnny looks over at me, finishes chewing and swallowing, then says. "Well, when I went there to check if anything had changed, a few things were different. For one, Jasper's body isn't there anymore, and the message you left is now covered in dirt and rubble. I'm not saying that it was definitely Megan, but you should check your tracking thingy on your computer to see if it was her."

     My pulse quickens as I say. "Well, it would either be her or the police that found his body and moved it. Only she would be willing to touch it."

     "If the police found him it'd be one hell of an autopsy." Johnny comments, starting to eat his pizza rolls again.

     "Why do you say that?" I question.

     "They'd be finding him in a chair tied to a post in an abandoned warehouse. What do you think they're going to think? They're probably going to be smart enough to realize he wasn't invited to a tea party. They're going to think he was a prisoner and got tortured for information, but when they find no other wound except the one on his neck, they'd be pretty confused. I would be, if I found a dead missing person with next to no injuries." Johnny explains, in a 'let's be logical' voice.

     I frown at him in confusion, then shake my head and sigh. I don't want to deal with his weird sense of logic right now. Instead, I walk over to my bed and turn on my computer, sitting down with it on my lap. Once everything is loaded up, I see Megan's phone signal is back on campus, but if I go back on the timeline a few hours ago, I will be able to see if she ever went to the warehouse.

     About two hours ago on the timeline, I see the small red dot that is Megan's phone move from campus to a street that is in the same direction as the warehouse. My heart picks up speed as she gets closer and closer to the destination. Finally, she makes it to the warehouse, and goes directly to where Jasper was, as if she knows where he was.

     It then occurs to me that this timeline is playing everything backwards, so in her reality, she just found his body and is leaving when I see her going to the warehouse. After a few moments of her being in the same spot (since it's sped up to twice the time it actually is) she starts wandering the warehouse, as if looking for something, then leaves.  She walks down the same street, but more in a lost way, where she doesn't always go in a straight line, and stops and starts a lot.

     After going to a random building, she goes to another one, and stays there for a while. I frown in confusion, then search up the coordinates for that building.

     I realize it's a funeral home, so I just assume it's for Jasper, since he's the only one that I know of who's died recently, besides this other girl I can't remember the name of. All I know is that she committed suicide a few months ago by jumping off a building, but I'm sure she's not important.

     All that's important now is that Megan found the body and has read the message, so she will hopefully be turned in or turn herself in (which I can totally see happening) within the next few days. She will be mine again very, very soon.

     I walk over to Johnny, who is in the kitchen now, and say. "I have a new mission for you."

     He turns around, and I take my gun out of my pocket and hand it to him. He takes it, but stares at me in alarm.

     "Why the hell did you bring a gun on your date? Did you kill her?" He demands.

     "No, but I wanted to. Her personality sucks, and you suck at picking out girls for me." I say, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that I want you to stake out in residence. I'm betting that Megan's going to come out alone within the next few nights. I want you to shoot her so she can't get away, but don't you dare kill her. I will slaughter you if you kill her. Just injure her enough so she doesn't run away. Or, if she comes willingly, kill anyone that's with her. If she comes willingly and is alone, don't use the gun. Oh, and also check her for weapons. She stabbed me once with a knife, so she's not totally defenceless. Got it?" I explain, trying to cover all his questions he might possibly ask, because his questions are not only time consuming, they are also very irritating to answer.

     "Uh, yeah. I think so." Johnny says, backing towards the door.

     As he walks out, I shout after him. "And don't come back until you have her!"

     I just really hope that Johnny is able to do this, because my patience with not having Megan is wearing very thin.

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