Chapter 40

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Megan POV

     "You made it back safely, right?" I ask, feeling incredibly paranoid.

     "Yes, Megan. I'm at my house, and very much alive." Colin says with a sigh.

     It's been a few days since I got back from the cabin, and now I'm with my mom for Christmas Eve. It's hard to concentrate on being festive though, when I know there's a killer out there coming for my blood, and Colin's. I realize Dean fell into a frozen pond, and probably isn't in the state to make complicated evil plans, but you never know.

     I'm just worried he's going to follow Colin to his home and run him off the road or something. Or he might come back here, since he knows exactly where I live. What I'm saying is that we're both in a lot of danger, and I still don't know why we haven't called the police yet. Maybe it's because I've been keeping this secret for so long, and Dean can blackmail me, and all sorts of other horrible things can happen if I turn him in, at least, that's what I tell myself.

     I think that deep down I still love him. No matter the amount of terrible things he's done to me and my friends, a part of my heart will always belong to him. I don't want to see him behind bars, it would break my heart. I don't want him to die either, but I think that would be better than going to jail. If I had to choose between death or getting locked up, I'd choose death.

     "Are you okay?" Colin asks, and I realize I'm still on call with him.

     "Yeah, I'm fine. I should go though, dinner's ready." I say quickly.

     "Alright, text me later." He says, then hangs up.

     I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs for dinner. It's just going to be my mom and I, and we're going to watch a movie. That's how we spend all our Christmas Eve nights. Peaceful and quiet.

     Although, this year is different, because there is a demon lurking in the shadows.

Colin POV

     Shadows in the Ice

     I type, sitting in my room on the computer. I'm writing up a short story for my class, which technically isn't due until the week after we get back from the holidays, but I have some really good inspiration, and I want to start writing now.

     The forest was dark, still and quiet. Nothing moved, not even the slightest creak of a tree echoed in the air. The snow on the ground lay still, smooth and undisturbed.

     I lean back in my chair, reading over the two sentences I have already. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate the main character into this scene. She will be running through the forest, and come across a frozen pond. After a moment of thinking, I get an idea and go back to writing.

     Through the shadows lay a cabin, rustic and old, but still in use. Smoke billowed out of the chimney, and the warm glow of the light inside lit up the snow around it, turning it gold. In the middle of the night, when her parents were fast asleep, a girl snuck out of her room and left the cabin.

     I'm not basing this story off of what exactly happened to Megan, but it will be similar, which I hope she is okay with, because I haven't yet told her that I'm writing a story about her.

     The girl was told to never leave the cabin alone, and to never go out at night. Of course, she was curious, so she would naturally disobey her parents, and venture into the dark forest alone, unaware of the monsters that lurk within the trees.

     That line sends shivers down my spine, because even though Dean isn't actually a monster, he's pretty damn close to one.

     She stalked through the trees, breaking the silence at last with her footsteps crunching through the snow. The shadows started to swallow her up, but she felt no panic or urgency. She was at peace, where there was no one to bother her. It was simple dead silence, where she was the only one who could make a noise.

     Now I got to bring the pond into the story, with Dean being the demon beneath the ice.

     After long moments of walking, the girl came across a sparkling frozen pond. She stepped onto the ice without any hesitation, then looked down at her reflection on the cold surface. She could feel herself getting sucked down into a strange trance, but it was immediately shattered when two hands slammed against the ice on the other side. The girl shrieked in terror, and at that moment the ice splintered apart, sending her crashing down into oblivion.

     I sit back again and read it over. I like how it's coming together, and I'm about to continue on, when my mom shouts at me from downstairs to have dinner. I sigh, then close the lid on my computer.

     I leave my bedroom, and walk down the stairs to join my family for a Christmas dinner.

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