soldiers and puppets

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I sighed "you did here that bit about the monsters right" "you know the ones that try to kill me 24/7"

"Maybe I should take a look at it" banner suggested

Now normally I wouldnt have agreed but I was out of ambrosia and nectar and anyway it wasn't like I could just stroll back into camp. I wasn't very good at mortal medicine either, that was Will's thing.

"Sure" I muttered
Loki looked at me suprised, obviously not expecting me to agree.

Banner and I walked away from the others. Unfourtanerly for me the infirmary was on a different floor. Bruce, as I learned his name, had led me towards the elevator. I started lagging behind. He noticed this and turned back to me.
Before he could say anything I suggested I take the stairs.
He raised his eyebrows "claustrophobic?"
"Something like that" I muttered

I arrived before Banner, he looked surprised at this but I ignored him.
Banner turned to get something out of a turquoise medical draw. Turning away I looked out at the city below. Somewhere out there, I knew there would be a small army of demigods searching for me. On the whole demigods were loyal and killing one of there own was like signing your own death sentence.

I bowed my head, I had more important things to worry about. The eidlon, he said something about Piper. Back at camp we weren't exactly close. But she was still my friend. I couldn't bare to let something happen to her. God's I'm starting to sound like Percy.

"I'm ready" Banner called
Turning to him, he motioned for me to sit on a medical bed.
"Take of your shirt" he said
I knew what was about to happen but it's not like I could back out now.

Taking it off I waited patiently for his reaction. It came, slower than I thought. I would have let him work through his emotions on his own, but his skin started to turn an ugly mottled green.
Thinking quick I looked him in the eyes
"soldier" is all I said but it seemed to work.
He shook his head a frown furrowing his face
"your a kid"
"You know what I think of that word"
He nodded sadly.

I looked away, unlike what most demigods would believe I'm not a fan of blood. In the heat of battle I could ignore it easily, my instincts kicking in to protect me. But the aftercare always made me nauseous.

Loki POV
As Nico left I tried to send a silent plea in his direction to not leave me. He didnt see it.

As he left I sat quietly, trying to not catch the attention of the group. To my great surprise, they were to busy eating their meal to care about me. I used this break to think. I had not had time to do this since I had left Asgard.

I have to say I'm a little confused,not that I would admit that to anyone. Even if I told them what had happened they wouldn't believe me, to be honest I'm not sure if I even believed myself.

The very first thing I remember that had had caused this awful chain of events was my meeting with that titan. I remember feeling unimpressed at his proposal. I told him that I thought he was mad, I hated my brother and that midgard place and dont get me wrong I did wont to destroy it, but killing half the population, I was not that evil.

I remember walking away and his angry shouts behind me. The next thing I knew it was like I was trapped in my body. I had no control over my movements or actions,I was nothing more than a puppet. I was not even safe in my own head as every now and again I felt a feeling like a sharp needle entering my brain and extracting what ever information it needed.

The worst thing I remember though was my betrayal to the son of Hades. I watched it happen, hoping  he would notice something was wrong with me. But they didn't, not Thor, not Hades  not nico. They obviously didnt care enough to look.

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