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I know, I'm a terrible person i havn't updated in months. Please forgive me.
Comments welcome, they motivate me!

Dragging Loki by the collar, I walked quickly towards my, err, our room. Ewk, just the thought of sharing a room with that slime ball made me gag. I went towards the stairs Loki slowed down.
"What!" I spat
"You know what an elevator is right" he asked

I scoffed " I thought that would be to midgardian for your tastes"
Loki said nothing, seeming deep in thought. I was glad as the though ofbeing In a confined space such as an elevator had my stomach turning as my mind brought me back to...

I shook my head, now was not the time I reminded myself. I can have a breakdown later. As we reached the last flight of stairs Loki looked at me in sunprise.

"They've holed you up here" he murmured
"Yeah, the paint jobs awfull I know" I answered quickly
"I did this" He said
"You did this?" "When"
Then I realised, when he was trying to take over the world a couple of years ago.
"Wait, you started refitting the tower before you'd even won it, seriously?" I smirked
Loki looked away, embarrassed.

Rolling my eyes I continued round the  corridor and into my room. I sat Loki down on the spare bed. I turned away to open the curtains giving Loki a look that said dont even try it.
Sunlight poured into the room, like a waterfall. It was almost like when Will came into the Hades cabin to wake me up. I smiled sadly, that would never happen, not anymore  turning away from the busy street below there was a knock at my door.

Opening it I saw Tony stood there, shifting from foot to foot.
"That was quick" I said gesturing to the bracket on his hands. He smiled arrogantly
"You do know who I am right,tony stark, playboy philant..."
"Yeah yeah " I said cutting him off and taking the braclet from his hands, then turning to tighten it around Loki's pale wrists.

"You know this is all very good however wasnt the braclet so I wouldn't have to e in cuffs for the rest of my life"
I rolled my eyes and threw hellfire at his face. He tried to block it with his hands, effectively making the handcuffs explode.

"What" I asked innocently "I though you wanted them off"
Loki only glared at me.

"You know, " Tony stark said cutting in as usual "those are expensive"
I sighed at his antics, knowing nothing was actually expensive, not to him anyway.

I walked out the door, wanting to get some food from the kitchen. Turning back to Loki, I realised I couldn't just leave him in my room. I rolled my eyes, I really was just a babysitter.

I flicked my head towards the door. Loki thankfully got the message to stand up and follow me. Good, at least he was obedient.

Later, I was standing in the kitchen opening cabinets and trying to fund something that took my fancy. I sighed, at this rate I would be living on McDonalds. Luckily, clint came in saying he was going to order pizza. The rest of the Avengers who had been eying Loki wearily turned to Clint. Only Natasha took the time to take the occasional glance at Loki and I.

I decided I liked her, she didn't let anything get in the way of her true mission. None of the others realised but I did, because i had the same mission. .

A half hour later, I found myself sitting on a couch with Loki sitting awkwardly next to me, along with the rest of the avengers. None of them noticed our discomfort at being around so many people, or if they did they didn't meantion in favour of devouring the pizza in front of them.

Looking down at the table I realised that if I didn't pick up something soon there wouldn't be anything left. Quickly I scooped up a box with half a pepperoni pizza left in it and stood to eat it across the room. Only Banner seemed to notice or care, with Natasha only giving me a brief glance.

As I ate my pizza I realised Banner was still looking at me. Realising I couldn't eat under such close scrutiny. I snapped "what?"
Banner looked down embarrassed.
Thinking that was the end of it I went back to my pizza. Only to be soon interrupted by Banner again.
"Your scars, some of them are new"

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