Old friends, new enemies.

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I recalled in shock, what the hades was he doing. He had never acted like this before, he was my friend...

Unfourtanerly, Loki did not have the same sentiment. I had to weave left and right trying to avoid the blue blasts, not knowing which were real or fake due to his powers. I cursed there was no way I was going to get close to him whilst I was floundering around like a fish out of water.

Focusing, i drew the shadows to myself and formed a shield. However that was not before I felt a blistering pain in my side. I couldn't focus on that though, I had to get to Loki. Something was definitely wrong with him. I forced my shield of shadows to engulf Loki. I managed to force him down enough for him to stop throwing the blasts.

I stood over him, trying to come to terms with what had happened.
"Loki, what's wrong. Why are you doing this" I asked
His response was chilling "The earth has to fall, these bugs you call your friends are nothing compared to the great power that is coming. I ask you would you prefer a painless death or one of torture."

There was no words to describe the pain that I was feeling "It is not up to you to decide who lives and who dies"
He chuckled madly "Oh but it is. I am your saviour and your God."

My mind went blank with rage. Since when had Loki gone this mad, it was not his choice who died and what the styx was he saying about some great power. And he definitely was not my God.

I couldn't take the thoughts whirring through out my mind and I threw out my fist. Blood squirted out of his nose all over me. His blood reminded me of my own as the acid like droplets sparayed against the burn he had caused me.

For the first time I prayed to Zeus telling him that this was his territory and to get Loki away from earth. I shadowed travelled to camp, but not before his mad calling filled my ears.

Sorry I'm not very good at fight scene
And sorry for not updating.

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