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Nico POV
They would never understand, how could they? Percy had Annabth, Leo had Calypso, Jason had Piper, Hazel had Frank. Even Grover had that annoying nymph girlfriend which I had never bovered to learn the name of. I just wanted someone, something that could help me. I used to have Will, my amazing, handsome, happy go lucky Will.

But happiness never lasts, at least not with a child of Hades; Hazel's cursed, Bianca's dead and I'm, well I'm just me the creepy son of Hades in the corner whose boyfriend cheated on him with that Aphrodite girl, Drew. Even thinking about what happened made me kick the wall in anger, earning me a few weird looks from passers by.

I was currently in Manhattan somewhere. I don't know where in particular. I shadow travelled away when Percy and Annabeth approached me outside the camp sing along.

Percy POV
I can't believe Nico did that to Will. I mean, what's wrong with him. He can't just expect to get away with what he did. I remember what happened clearly.

Me and annabeth were inside my cabin talking about something or another. Truley I wasn't even listening to what she was saying, I lost track about ten minutes ago. I was thinking desperately about what would get her to stop talking for five minutes.

I love her dearly. I love her beautiful curls. I love her stormy grey eyes, full of intelligence. I love the way she sighs and rolls her eyes when I've done something or that way her face scrunches up like a kitten about to sneeze when she's confused( which isn't often as she's a daughter of Athena, but when it does happen I cherish it).But when she talked about something she loved she would not stop. Currently she was talking about architecture. Not that I wasnt interested but well, there's only so long you can listen to someone talk about buildings and I had long surpassed my limit.

Then finally, and angel came and saved me. That angel appearing in the form of knocking. Loud frantic knocking outside my door.

Will's POV
With tears streaming down my face I stumbled to cabin three and knocked frantically at the door. Percy opened the door almost immediately a look of relief plastered on his face, which was almost instantly replaced by shock as he saw my tear stained face.

Before he could say a word, I dived into the son of Poseidon's arms. I was instantly comforted by the smell of the sea and the comforting arms which were rapped around me tightly.

"Will what's happened?" Percy asked me curiously

The only word I could stutter out was "Why?" before I buried my face back into my friends shoulder and sobbed.

Nico di angelo meets the avengersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ