Of Guns and Swords

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Thank you for the comments, sorry it didn't come sooner I acidently didn't save it so I had to rewrite it.

"I will" I stated, slowly stepping out of the shadows. Immediatly all the avengers weapons were on me. Well apart from Tony he had managed to inch himself into a corner. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, he really was nothing without his suit. I noticed that Natasha had managed to step to my right with a gun to my head. I smirked, if she thought that the gun would scare me then she was in for a rude suprise.

"Who are you" Natasha whispered evily in my ear

"I'm pretty sure you know as you've been looking at my file for the last ten minutes.Also I'm pretty sure I can read it quicker then that and I'm dyslexic" I sighed in mock annoyance

"Anyway" I started " how about we move on to the important questions, like how I got in the tower undetected, why I'm here, if I'm working for Hydra or whatever you paranoid brains come up with and what I am"

Steve then spoke up.
"What do you mean what you are ,you're a kid." 

"No he's not, not completely anyway. He's only got half his DNA" Nick interrupted

"That's impossible" Bruce said reaching for my medical files "how has this never been reported before"

"The mist, it's a layer of magic which separates my world from yours" answering the question which was about to kind out of Tony's mouth

As soon as the boy said that, my mind began thinking of all the ways I could fine tune cameras to see through this so called 'mist'.

Then that emo boy turned to me, his eyes looking directly at me.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hectate woul not take kindly to a mortal trying to breach through her magic. You would not want to turn out like Arachne. Although you might turn out to be a nice rat or maybe a polecat"

Now, I had no idea what a polecat was but by the smirk on his face I was sure it was an insult. This boy had no idea who he had just made an enemy off.

Sadly, Wanda interrupted my schemes of revenge.
"Wait, Hectate as in the Greek goddess of magic. You're saying that she's real. If she's real are you saying that your a God too"

"No, not me I'm a demigod"

I turned to Thor who looked extremely pale.
"This isn't true, is it?"

As soon as the boy said demigod my mind went 100,000 mph. If he was indeed a demigod then I was in trouble. I had sworn not to medal anywhere where the true Gods had settled. So I did the only thing i thought that would solve my grevious mistake.

I got up, walked in front of him and then got down on one knee and averted my gaze.
"Young demigod, I apologise for my trespassing please tell your family that i apologise dearly for my overstep unto your territory. I swear in the river styx that I meant no disrespect." I saw the boy nod slightly, in this position I knew that he was most likely getting instructions from his Godly mother or father, or maybe even Zeus.

He nodded slightly and pulled out his sword placing it on my shoulder his eyes seemed to glow a menacing black and said "I Nico Di Angelo son of Hades and ambassador of Pluto except your apologies. The king of the Gods, Zeus Lord of the sky also hears and accepts your apology. He does not wish for war among our people coming so soon out from the last war and as long as you abide the ancient laws, no trouble between our people will commence" His eyes then stopped glowing, and he stumbled slightly. Though I did not steady him as I knew all children of Hades were independant.

As I stood up I saw my teammates staring at me, mouths agape. Tony seemed to come out of his stupor first

"What the actual F" gladly Clint slapped a hand over his mouth before he finished his sentence.

Then I heard Nico speak up from behind me
"Well that saves a bit of explaining"

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