Avengers tower

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Standing outside avengers tower I felt annoyingly small. It towered above me like Olympus did. It made me feel inferior and that was a feeling that I do not like at all.

Gritting my teeth I shadow travelled into what seemed like a meeting room. Staying in the shadows I waited for people to turn up. I'm not as stupid as people might say. I knew that as soon as Clint and Steve got back a meeting would be called. It wasnt that hard to realise what room they would be in, all it took was a quick look at the receptionists notes. Gods they thought they were invincible. They thought they were safe in this tower, that no one would ever think to break in to one of the most 'secure places in the world'. Arogance does that to you I guess.

It didn't take long for people to start arriving, first was Clint and Steve, swiftly followed by Natasha and soon after Bruce. Next was Thor who was pretty much carrying a grumbling Tony.

"So, I know your wondering why we called a meeting" Clint started
"Yes that exactly what I'm wondering Barton" A voice spoke from the doorway, Nick Fury

____Timeskip to them explaining _____

"Friday pull Nico di Angelo's file up" Nick asked
What we found was extremely interesting,

Nico di Angelo
Sex: Male
Age: 15(80)

Sibling(s): Bianca di Angelo (dead)
Sex: Female
Age of death: 12(82)
Cause of death- Unknown

Suspected sibling: Hazel Levesque(half sister(paternal side))
Sex: Female
Age- 15

Parents of Hazel levesque
Mother: Marie Levesque (dead)
Cause of death- Unknown
Father: Unknown
Suspected father: Unknown

Parents of Nico di Angelo
Mother- Maria di angelo(dead)
Cause of death- Unknown
Father- Unknown
Suspected father- Unknown

Extra information:

White Italian Male.
Pale olive complexion.

People seen with-
Will solace- 17
Percy Jackson-20
Annabeth Chase-20
Clarise La Rue-22
Hazel Levesque-15
Frank Zang-17
Renya Ramirez-Arellano-19
Leo Valdez- 15
Piper McLean-18
Jason Grace-18
Thaila Grace- 24

Has been seen armed.(sword)

Believed dead in early 1900s along with sister and half sister.

"Well that's an interesting file, anyone care to explain" Tony asked, intrigued by the amount of unknowns

"I will" Nico spoke stepping out of the shadows

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