The aftermath of a speech

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The avengers looked shocked at my sudden speech. I knew I shouldn't have said anything but I felt like I needed to. They can not see us as defensless children. We were born fighters, even Aphrodite kids could best most 'normal people'  in a short scuffle. Seeing my scowling face, Steve put his hand on my shoulder. Looking up, suprised I saw his face was not the mask of pity I thought it would be, but of pride. My scowl turned to confusion, why would he be proud of me?

I lightly slapped his hand of my shoulder and took a step back.
"What?" I muttered frustrated

He said nothing, just shook his head and smiled lightly.
The rest of the group were also smiling. They weren't happy but they went quite sad either. There smiles were more of acceptance than anything else.

Getting uncomfortable with the attention I grabbed Loki and started to walk out the door.
"Hey, where you going?" Bruce called
I turned round, rolling my eyes.
"We gonna stand here moping all day or actually going to do our job. Which for those who weren't listening is currently babysitting Loki. Now you can help or you can clean up Loki's blood from the floor, your choice. Loki stiffened, and gently touched his split lit from where I had punched him just minutes before.

"Thanks for that by the way" Loki retorted
My anger flared up suddenly, I grabbed him by the collar and  slammed him into a wall.
"Do you not think you deserve this, you killed hundreds if not thousands of people and if you think were going to let you of the hook, your in for for a sobering few months, amathés." I spat

Not bothering to look at the others I dragged him off to a holding cell  while setting up my, our room. I nearly puked at the though of having to spend one night with him, let alone weeks or months.

Realising that we couldn't have Loki in handcuffs 24/7, however tempting the idea might be, I went to find Tony I had this idea about maybe a bracelet for Loki to wear with ancient greek and Norse warding sigils against magic carved into it. In my time in the underworld I had met many ghosts and one ghost who I had found in asylum had told me about apotropaic magic that warded off magic meant to harm or off evil influence. If it worked the only worry we had with him was running off. Even then where would he go, pretty much the whole of America knew who he was ; anyway he's not exactly subtle.

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