Your kidding right?

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Swearing in this chaptor!

I shook my head out of the memory that I had fallen into.
"What's he doing here anyway" I asked in disgust at having to be in the same building as that monster.

Everyone suddenly started to act funny. I looked around in confusion.
Clint stepped foward" Okay, now Nico don't blow up but he's going to be your bunk buddy for a bit" he teetered nerversouly
"Bunk buddy?" I asked dangerously "Bunk buddy!" I felt myself begin to blow up.

Taking a deep breath I attempted to calm my self down. After Drew I couldn't bear the thoughts of hurting anyone. Not even this annoying prick.

I slowly sauntered up to him. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see the avengers gulp and eye me nervously. Standing in front of him I spoke seriously
"Now let's make this clear, if you have to stay here there are rules. You get too close to me, you die. You annoy me or anyone else here, you die. You make mischief, you die. You piss me off, guess what?"
"I die?" Loki chuckled nervously
"Good...!" I muttered

Looking around with a line of sweat on my forehead I saw the avengers look relieved, clearly they had expected a fight. I turned my head to watch Nico turn his back to leave. I gulped,relieved. A second later he turned violently, a mad glint in his eyes and swung a closed fist into my jaw. Stumbling back suprised, I looked at him. I would have put a hand to my face but Nico had kneed me in the gut and with me doubled over in pain he grabbed my ear.
"That's what I think of your true Gods" he sneered
Finally he let go of me and I collapsed in a groaning heap on the floor.

Now, I know I said I wasn't going to hurt him but after looking at his face I knew he deserved it. Anyway I needed to do something to regain my status as a child of Hades after sitting in my room moping and hopefully he would now know I was being serious when I said I'd kill him.

Turning back to the avengers I saw Thor still grimacing. Clint and Nat however were smirking. Steve,and Wanda were shocked. Although tony and banner looked like they were fighting the urge to smile.
"How did you learn to fight like that?"
Steve asked mildly concerned
"That, oh that was nothing." I said innocently
He was still looking for an answer though.
Sighing I said "As a demigod, especially one of the big three. I give off a specific scent. This smell attracts monsters. The more powerful the demigod, the more powerful amount of monsters."
Taking another breath I continued "Demigods train to fight these monsters, although most don't make it past twenty."
Wanda looked confused "Monsters as in?"
"As in cyclops, hellhounds, dracnae hydra, minatour,the gorgins,griffins, chimera, emposia,sphinx, medusa, drakons, furies, those super annoying boars,telekhines and a load of overs that I dont have the care or paintence to mention."

"Poor kids" Steve muttered with pity, the rest of the avengers nodding. Even Loki looked mildly upset.
Sighing, I said "Yeah it's a pity, most people die before they make it to camp. This life we live is a curse. No one wants to be born this way. However we were born, and we have to deal with it. I'll tell you one thing Steve. Most people at camp stopped being children the second they had finished two wars. The second they saw the people they care about being torn apart. The second they realise they will never get a life outside of this. I cant stop your pity, but I can assure you of one thing... we are not kids. When I die, i would rather do it as a warrior then as a scared child." I finished boldly.

Sorry, I'm a terrible person.
I know I haven't updated in ages feel free to be annoyed at me.

However let's think on the bright side. I actually updated!
Yay, right?

Nico di angelo meets the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now