When aprodite messes up

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Aphrodite POV
Oh styx, oh styx I can't believe this happened. I thought angrily to my self as I sat before my vanity draw brushing my long flawless hazelnut hair. Of all my years of being a goddess this has never happened. I mean, a goddess can't go wrong. Can they?

It all started out when my daughter Drew prayed to me to find her a boyfriend. I knew who she wanted- but Will Solace was taken. Nico and Will. Wow, now that's a good couple. But she was my daughter, maybe I could just spice things up. It was my job after all.

When I did it I instantly regretted it...
I watched helplessly as a fake double of Nico was found by Will kissing a girl from the apollo cabin. I could never have made him do it himself he was to loyal to will. If you didn't know that his fatal flaw was grudges you would have thought that it was loyalty.

I hummed in anger ripping out more of my luxurious hair as I watched it all unfold right before my eyes. I knew it would hurt worse for Will if it was one of his own siblings, hopefully push him towards Drew out of spite but I hated it the whole time it was happening. I For once was powerless and I hated it!

Will ran away immediately but not before fake Nico looked at him with a calculating grin, just like the one Nico had when we was about to kill. I watched heartbroken as Will stumbled through the woods tripping over ancient lumps of bark. Not watching where he was going in his sadness and anger at what he had just witnessed. Maybe he should have been watching though.

Will's POV(still in flashback)
I ran not caring that the undergrowth was cutting at my arms nor that my ankle was twisted from when I had tripped over a thick tree root. I just ran, and that was a mistake. Little did I know that I was running further and further into the forest. You never go this deep into the forest alone and definitely not without armour or a weapon.

Soon enough I came face to face with a hellhound. It was as big as a truck, its head dripping saliva onto the ground forming a large puddle. Looking down I saw on each of its four paws five long nails as long and as sharp as a knife protruding from it's hard wood like skin.

I was going to die. No doubt about it, but I was going to face this like a demigod. I stood up straight ready for the pain... but none came. I heard a yell of duck that sounded strangely familiar. Who ever it was though I didn't care. I did what they said and it saved my life. I watched through half closed eyelids as my saviour sliced through a leg with his sword and then when it fell and howled he swung a throwing knife in its general direction reducing it to gold dust.

The figure however did not even look at his kill but hurried over to me.
"Will, you idiot are you alright. I can't believe your out this far. Gods I was so worried" He asked in distress reaching out for a hug

That's when I realised who it was. Nico. I pushed away and screamed at him.
"Oh so now you care. I hate you. You can't do that to me and pretend it never happened. I hate you Nico di Angelo and I wish you would go back to your father in a coffin"

NicoPOV(still flashback)
"I stepped back in confusion." What had I done to deserve this? "Will what's happened, are you alright?" I asked in worry trying not to let the pain seep out.

He just stormed off not giving me an answer. I stood their for what seemed like hours, just staring at nothing. Eventually though I began the slow walk back to camp.

The next morning I saw Will and Drew snogging outside the Aphrodite cabin. I managed to hold out my anger until I made it back to my cabin and screamed. What had I done?

I sat just outside the camp sing along. No one minded, they all gave me looks oh hate whenever I went near them. Everyone seemed to know what I'd did, but me.

The last straw was when Percy and Annabeth came walking up to me, asking what I did to Will. I couldn't take it anymore. I shadow travelled out. I found myself in the streets of Manhattan.

It had pained me to bewitch the son of Poseidon to no longer be loyal to Nico. 
But I had already started and there was no stopping now.

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