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The kid looked P****d, no other way to say it. He was scary when he was showing us his powers but now I was about to pee my pants and I'm certain I wasn't the only one. Point break looked grim along with Roger's. Nat and Clint both had hands on their weapons prepared for a fight, whilst Banner and Wanda just looked pained.

If this is what happens when the Kids' angry I dont want to see what happens when he's fighting for his life. I was about to ask what was wrong but Wanda beat me to it. He turned to her, the hellfire dying down.
"You're about to find out what children of Hades are famous for" he spoke with a nightmarish grin and seconds later he vanished.

We stood there not knowing what do. It was like time was stood still until Nat told us that she had planted a tracker on him.

Everyone got down to finding out where our supposed teammate had gone. After I had closed in on Long Island I walked up to Nat and whispered. " You dont trust anyone do you"
Her reply "I'm still alive aren't I?"

That grim piece of information stuck with me the whole ride down to Long Island, we had to go get him, as much as I hated it, he was on our team now. No way I was leaving him.

I was going to kill her, no question about it. As I walked up the hill I summoned my sword and swung it ildly by my side. Everyone stared at me as I strolled up the hill, I knew my eyes were glowing a sickening blood red but I didn't care. I was going to kill Drew Tanaka...

As I made my way to the Aphrodie cabin i saw people i had once knew surround me with a scared, questioning glare. I used to get upset when people were scared of me, but right now I reveled in it. As I strode further into the camp I saw Percy walk towards me carefully. I didn't even give him a chance to talk. My powers flared and the shadows which were clinging to me lashed out making him fly into a tree and it promptly knocked him out. I grinned, I must have looked terrifying as the people backed away even further.

Once I was at the door I wasted no time and stormed in. My eyes darted around for a certain Drew Tanaka. I saw her trying to hide in the corner and grinned evily. I yanked her off her feet by the hair and dragged her out, throwing her into the mud. I brandished my sword around. Time seemed to slow: I saw Will screaming at me to stop; Percy slowly waking up; the rest of the camp running towards me ;Chiron looking at me shocked, his bow hung limply by his side but I didn't care. I swung my sword into her heart, blood squirting onto my face. As she died I whispered in her ear, she looked at me shocked before I felt her soul dribble away. Thanatos had come.

The camp had reached me by now. They dragged me off her and their arms wrapped around me disarming me as well. I didnt fight, they couldn't hurt me if they tried.

I smirked, just before disappearing into shadows I smirked "Have fun clearing up the mess"

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