Show and tell

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I watched as the Avengers stared at me in complete and utter shock. They didn't seem to know what to say, not that I blame them to be honest. It's a bit of a shock especially for mortals to learn of a completely different world.  Hey, at least I didn't end up destroying a town like Thor and Loki did. Of course though it was Tony who broke the silence.

"You just a kid"
"You call this person a child, he is a hero and has seen more than anyone else. He went through what you mortals would call hell, alone and survived. He was tortured in that hell and survived. He has done everything you could not and guess what he survived. You will not underestimate him, it will be your undoing." Thor practically snarled

Now Thor was known for going over the top on a few things, but right now he seemed deadly serious. It was almost...scary. In the background I heard Fury shuffling about. I saw him walk foward to the shuffling, blushing teenager who was obviously still embarrassed about what Thor had said. Nick seemed to tower over the boy, but it was dangerous obvious who was in control when Nico looked him in the eye.

Nick then spoke up "Do you have powers"
Nico answered yes.
"Show us"
I heard him answer, "Not here" and Fury motioned him down stairs and into a secure training room.

I stepped into the training room it was absoloutely massive, it had all soughts of weapons, well apart from swords, obviously. I hid my amazement with a bored look though, there was no way that I would let them know that I was even mildly impressed. I chortled to myself softly when I saw them crowding around me like nursery children around a teacher. They obviously wanted to see what I could do. They were in for a suprise.

First I created a small fissure in the ground, skeletons began to crawl out of it clawing at the avengers. Once thay were out and looking suitably creepy, I set the fissure on fire using hellfire. I'm pretty sure I looked as scary as Leo did on the occasions that  he set himself on fire. When the fire had reached my elbow I concentrated and started to look for precious gems. Once I had wrapped my mind around enough of then I started tugging and slowly but surely then began making their way out of the fissure. The hellfire set them on fire as they shot out which made them look like sparkling flaming bullets. I next decided to shadow travel behind them, I manipulated the shadows to engulf me. As I disappeared I forced the fissure to close and in that the fire went out. The gems dropping to the ground like hail.

Appearing behind them I told the zombies to advance, my voice freaking them out immensely, mostly because when they turned round they couldn't see me as I was hidden in the darkness. Lastly I forced the remaining gems hidden inside of the rocks to vibrate, lifting the rocks up themselves I hurtled them at the skeletons that had now surrounded the gobsmacked avengers turning them to dust.

As the room returned to it's natural state, I slid slowly onto the ground. Everything I had done with the gems had really drained me. I could control then somewhat, but no where near to the extent that my sister could. The hellfire as well was maybe overkill. Only considering the fact that I was on the floor and none of the Avengers had spoken as off yet.

For some reason I felt happy, I hadn't used my powers freely in so long. I always had to keep a lid on it after the whole Octavion incident and the fact that everyone got scared whenever I lifted a finger.

To my slight suprise it was Fury who spoke first (I expected it to be Tony).
"I have a proposition, I want you to join the avengers or I'll lock you away forever" Fury sternly spoke
Wow so diplomatic I thought to myself
"Well what do you think I've been trying to do" I almost snapped back, still on the ground

Fury watched me get up off the ground then shook my hand, ignoring the cry's of disapproval from my future teammates.
"Welcome to the Avengers innitive"

In the back of my mind I felt a comforting voice saying "Well done, son"

And for the first time in a long while, I smiled.

Nico di angelo meets the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now