Nico meets Clint

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Rain started to fall as I trudged through the streets. I thought about pulling my hood up but I decided against it as the down poor would hide the tears still running down my pale olive features.

I couldn't believe that Will, my Will would cheat on me with that s**t Drew I thought angrily as I kicked the wall in anger. This caused a few weird looks from passers by. I didn't care, not anymore. The only thing I wanted was the only thing I couldn't have. A family...

Then a terrifying thought occurred to me. What about my nightmares? Will always calmed me down after then. Now what will happen?

I watched my son sadly. I would be having a few words with Aphrodie for this. The only thing I wanted to do was talk to him. To comfort him. To be the father i should be but with Zeus around i could never do that. Or at least maybe not face to face. I could however talk to my son Nico in his head.

"Son, do not answer as Zeus will hear but listen. I know what has happened. Son I know you loved him but you must move on just like I have. To help you with this I have... not a quest per say but a mission. You must help a group called  the avengers. One of their members is right in front of you. Good luck, my son."

Those words may not seem like much to someone else but they were all I needed. I wiped away my tears and gritted my teeth. I would not be seen as weak! After all, I was a son of Hades.

I was just taking a quick walk to clear my head of what was currently happening at the tower-there was currently a war brewing between Tony and Thor(tony had dyed Thor's capes luminous green).

I glanced up suddenly about to turn for home when I heard the sniffling sound of held back crying. What I saw surprised me. What looked like a 16-17 year old with light Italian features and a face as ashen as the sky above, was crying. My fatherly instincts kicked in immediately.

I was about to ask what was wrong when I saw the boy tilt his head slightly as if he was listening to someone and slowly stopped crying. He dried his tears, making himself look somewhat decent and smirked. As if maybe, he was trying to prove something to himself.

Suddenly, he glanced up giving me crooked look ; almost like he was sizing me up. I gulped, all memory of my training went. His dark brown eyes reached into my soul as if looking for something to replace his own.

I watched him walk towards me and held out his hand. I shook it.
"Nico di Angelo" he spoke "i'll be in touch"
Then he walked away not even waiting for my answer. I followed him with my eyes watching as he walked into a dark alleyway.

Suddenly my training rushed back like the tide and I surged forward, following him but when I reached the alley in which he had walked, he was gone. I shook my head in wonder, i had to report this to Fury and the team.

"Nico di Angelo" i spoke "I'll be in touch"
I then sauntered off into an alley near by and shadow travelled to the nearest McDonald's.

Nico di angelo meets the avengersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz