A 5 part plan

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Nico's POV
I sat on the couch, waiting for the rest of the so called Avengers to leave. I didn't quite know why I showed them. I mean I didn't even need the medical attention.

Do I... trust... them?

No, that can't be right. I'm just drawing them into a false sense of security. It's my job to work with them. I need to make father proud. I need to make Bianca proud. I need to make Will- I... I need to make myself proud.

I took a deep breath steadying myself. I can do this. I need to do this. Now stop with the self pity Di Angelo and get your fucking act together.

Ok ok, I thought to myself, what do I need to do.
1. Find Piper
2. Get Will
3. Kill Aphrodite, well maybe, I'm still deciding, but still the incentive is there!
4. Figure out why Loki isn't acting right
5. Kill every single Eudilon I see

So...so how in the Hades do I do all that?

I need to go back to camp, that's the only way. But how do I get back without them murdering me on sight? Right now Dionysus is probably setting up a group to come and kill me, hell the Gods themselves are probably deciding whether to strike me down or not.

Heh, and for some reason I don't care. Is this living or is this just accepting my death? Who knows? But right now I need to get to Jason. He'll believe me... he has to.

Nico di angelo meets the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now