champion of Nyx

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70 what views. Thanks guys! But how has the views gone up so quick... Anyway on with the story.

This morning wasnt the greatest to say the least. I had horrific nightmare of Tarterous. It was no where near the worst one but I certainly didn't like it. Especially without Will. Gods, Will why does he hate me. Ive racked my head and Ive found nothing! I just don't know what I did... Anyway I'm guessing my nightmare was loud as Steve came and woke me up. He seemed worried, if only he knew. I know that he's a super soldier and everything but compared to what I've seen he's like a new born. Well, not exactly but you get the jist. Anyway I'm currently at breakfast with Steve staring at me like I'm a draconea or something.
"What!" I snapped

I didn't even realise he was talking to me until he snapped at me. Whoops... I didn't mean to stare.
"Where are you from" I asked
"I'm Italian American born there, but moved here when I was little"
"My uncle killed my mother when he was trying to kill us, my sister was squashed to death, I have a half sister but shes seems to be on the other side of the world and has a curse, multiple cousins but the majority hate me, and a boyfr, well I used to have a boyfriend." He spoke as if he no longer cared and that worried me.

However a knock at the door interrupted my train of thoughts. The boy, Nico, was alert immediately. Standing up with his hand on a ring. Strange that I hadn't noticed it before, but then I wasnt trained like Natasha.

"Its okay, it's just a friend" I assured him

I raised my eyebrow at this. When did a super solder have friends. Oh I know, when he joined the avengers. I'm so screwed.

My thoughts were immediately confirmed when I heard
"No of course its ok Clint, oh by the way I have a visitor he's in the lounge"

When I heard that I didn't know what to expect but certainly not the same bedraggled kid that I ran into last night. Although he did looked slightly less like a walking skeleton. He had, had a shower and had way more colour in his cheeks. Also not looking like a drowned rat was a bonus. My hand immediately went down to the hidden gun, although I did not draw it. Steve came in seeming surprised by my on edge stance. I didn't give him the chance to speak.
"This is what I came here to talk about
I saw him last night"

"So you saw a boy last night it doesn't mean anything" he answered back eying where my hand was warily.

I noticed that the boy was holding a slight defensive stance as well although he didn't seem to be scared just ready to move if anything were to
happen. I was annoyed by this slightly, it was as if he didn't perceive me as a danger.

Well if I'm gonna get them to trust them I might as well tell them who I am. So I sat down on the sofa and gestured to the.
"You want to know who I am don't you?"
They both nodded slightly.
I smirked, if I'm gonna reveal my parentage I might as well have some fun with it.
I told the shadows to solidify around my body and their legs and the gun.I saw them both glance down in panic but I didn't stop I made it darker courtesy of Nyx who had blessed me.No one knew that Nyx had blessed me, but knew life knew me right? Then finally I brought out the best bit, I made skeletons crawl through the ground.
"I am Nico di Angelo demigod son of Hades, Ghost king, Ambasador of Pluto, Walker of the labyrinth, Survivor of Tarterous, retriever of the Athena parthenon, Suriver of 2 wars and champion of Nyx(if I've forgot anything please tell me and I'll add it in).

I watched them both gulp and I smirked . I couldn't help it they looked
ready to wet themselves.

"I'll be with you soon, go back to your base" I stated I wished my hand and they disappeared into shadows. I know that I shouldn't of, but I felt rejunivated and even after that I didn't feel tired. Any way I should probably get going to that tower of theirs.

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