"To light the wick at the top of this tower." He answered. "The lighthouse is built with magic wards; we need to activate them. Once the wick is lit, the magic will flow. Nothing that wants to harm the boys can come in."

"Why us?"

"It's how the spell was constructed, to protect Kongpob and Arthit." Rojnapat answers. "It needs the blood of the fathers. It was made using mine, you will help reactivate it, a few drops each. It will stop the shadows and wake the boys..."

"Do you know how long Arthit looked for you?" Som couldn't stop himself. "Why didn't you come?"

Som remembered the days Arthit looked for this man, how he almost lost to the dark. This man was his last hold on something good; how could he not show up then if he could now? Seeing Arthit in pain wrenched at his heart, it was then he knew he couldn't only be his Master. The boy would be his son.

"I couldn't then."

"You should have found a way." Som insisted. "You're his father."

"So are you."

Rojnapat looked Som in the eye. He knew what this man was to his son, this man was the reason Arthit survived. This man protected his son when he couldn't. Blood isn't the only thing that makes a bond. Love and kindness do too.

"I saw you, when you took him." Rojnapat carried on. "I knew you could protect him better than me. I went, knowing he wasn't alone."

"You still should have come." Som's voice is hard.

"I have been tied to this place by magic, I have been sleeping." Rojnapat answered. "My kind can't roam this land freely, I had to wait. Arthit and Kongpob here together, reawakened me."

"Who would be so cruel?"

"He wasn't cruel." Tears swam in Rojnapat eyes. "I wanted to see my son one more time. He let me sleep until I could."

Before they can ask more the voices return, the chimes once again silence them. Som closed his eyes and let his powers flow, nothing felt wrong, he only felt reassurance and mage magic. He would trust this ghost, for their son's sake.

Som bit his finger, breaking the skin and letting his blood drop on the symbols. Boom looked at the ghost once more, before doing the same. The blood seeped into the carvings, light flickered, then burst upwards.

"It's working." Rojnapat turned to Boom, pointing towards a wall with a magic circle carved into it. "Tell Kongpob the contract is here. He will understand."

"If this hurts the boys in anyway." Boom told the ghost. "Be warned, my wife hits very hard."

"I should be more afraid of you." He looked to Boom. "You are the demon, after all. Fallen Third Demon Lord. Lord of Wrath."


Kongtanin House - Nami POV

The air stilled, the night becoming darker as something swirled high above. The house was at the end, secluded, overshadowed by the greenery that grew around the front and the trees in the back. Grandfather, P'May, and I watched the sky as it rumbled.

Aunt Mini and Millie stopped hearing the noise, trying to sneak out with the weapons when grandfather forbids them. They could feel the change in the air. P'Poppy hurried them both back towards the barrier, ignoring their protests. She could feel what was coming.

P'Korn and P'Fai came around the side, falling to the ground as something crackled above and a pulse made everything shake. P'Fai moved P'May out of the way as something fell, P'Korn wasn't fast enough in moving Aunt Mini, the roof tiles hitting his back as he covered her.

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