CH 14 - Waiting

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Bright POV

I bend to pick up the ringing phone from the filthy floor, cursing when pain shoots up my side; there was no need to look to know it was bruised. My knuckles were bruised, my lip was cut and blocking that pipe with my leg definitely cracked something.

The most important thing was I got Rome to leave before they did anything. He was angry at me again but at least he was safe. They had been following us since the first day we arrived, taking pictures, he didn't realise but they were after him.

When I get back I'm going to have words with Nami, what did she mean by that text? Play fair and don't heal. Watch. I grit my teeth when my eyes haze and the compulsion to heal tried to kick in. That girl better have a good reason or I would have stern words with her.

I let my eyes turn back before heading for the opening, why did they always choose alleyways to attack? Would it hurt to find an empty, preferably clean parking lot? I cringe remembering the wall and floor I had been forced to touch, I hope the hotel had bleach.

"That's why you got rid of me?"

"Rome!" I clutch my chest then hiss.

Letting my senses down was not a smart move, but she said play fair. Nami...

"I got into an argument with some hotheads." I try a smile. "Nothing to..."

"They were after me."


"I'm not stupid P'Bright." He showed me his camera; he had their reflections in his shots a few times. "They were at the station when we got off."

"I didn't want get hurt."

He gives me sceptical look. "I know self-defence; I would have gotten hurt less than you. You're bleeding, what did you break?"

"It's not as bad as it looks..."

"I'll be the judge of that." He looks angry. "Come on, stay in my room tonight so I can keep an eye on you."

Would it be shameless if I hiss and groan a few more times than necessary as we head back to the hotel? Money didn't help but paying fair got me into Rome's room, it wasn't so bad after all. She was already getting an island, should I get her a plane?

I may have let my senses down a little but I felt that, a shape tinge in the air that left a sour taste in your mouth. I looked to the shadows that were ready to leap and watched them freeze. The figure taking a moment to realise what my seeing it meant, before he ran. Why did they have a rogue vampire for back up?


Nami POV

The more knowledge you acquired it always seemed like you only knew a page of what there was to learn. It begun with the warm room that sunlight always adorned my grandmother's library full of literature from around the world. She knew every story in every book there; I wanted to do the same.

I read books, new and old but there was still so much I wanted to know. The secret library under the family home housed some of the forgotten and ancient lore. But today, I listened to the ones who lived when those words were written.

My grandfather, the Blood Prince, P'Em, P'Knot and GG sat on the sofas in my apartment as George made tea. It was a waiting game now and like the old days, telling stories passed the time.

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