CH 17 - Creeping

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He sighed walking into his apartment, grateful his friend was fine but Kong really needed to stop running head first into situations. He left him under the watchful eye of P'Arthit, who was making sure Kong stayed put and was treated. A great feat, he usually ran when they tried the same.

The moment he stepped into his bedroom he knew it was a mistake. The spell circle on the floor came to light, electricity shooting through his body every nerve zinged with pain. He fell to his knees as chains wrapped around him.

The more he struggled to get free the tighter the chains became, the intensity of the spell increasing. His senses were going numb, his eyes watered as his head and heart pounded from the onslaught. He freed his right hand enough but the circle wouldn't allow him to leave.

Help, he had to call for help. Before he moved his finger to make the call, he saw it, the tiny symbol hidden under another in the circle. It was a trap. Anyone coming to help him would fall into the same spell.

He used every ounce of will power to summon his magic and fight, the moment he lost consciousness he would in their hands. When a white leech withered its way in to the circle heading for him, he knew what this was really for.

He pulled every ounce of magic to himself, fighting the magic trying to tear through him. in this spell, sucked by a wraith leach, he couldn't allow his blood to be taken. the demon wanted his blood, he knew about the circle.

He screamed as the spell intensified, his arm hitting the ground as the leach moved closer. A showed appeared in the spell circle, the mist swirled and lashed, getting under the chains. It wrapped around him like silk, pulling him out of the spell with ease.

He looked into P'Knot's familiar face as strong arms held him. The mist swept into the circle, taking over every symbol and sucking the power it created, dry. The leach withering and vanishing in smoke once the spell was no longer active.

"Protect the others." He whispered with the little strength he had left. "He knows about the circle."

Knot held Tew tightly as he misted. The circle consisted of five mages, the one holding it together was called, the point. The point was always powerful, always a woman and the demon needed to find her to break it.

For safety even they didn't know where she was. Harder for the demon to find, but difficult for them to protect if she needed them to save her. He placed Tew gently on his sofa, taking out his phone and messaging the others. The demon is going after them, protect the mages.


Arthit POV

"P'Arthit, you can say what you're thinking." Kongpob smiles. "I won't take offence."

You're stubborn, you never do as you're told and you make the people who love you want to pull out their hair in frustration. Then you smile, making people want to smother you with kisses and remove that smirk.

He squeezes my hand when I don't look at him, stopping me from my task. It's a trap, it's what you want. I need to think. I need to make him eat something before he can take the painkillers Beam gave him, he specifically said with food.

"P, look at me. Please."

I change my eyes back before I do.

"Are you angry?"

I'm worried.


"Are you sure?" He tilts his head.


"Thanks for letting me stay again." He sits on the stool, his hand under his chin and eyes closed. "I really like this place P'Arthit. I like the wind chimes; they have such a beautiful sound. It's like a melody."

Wind chimes? There weren't any. I stop what I am doing to listen, I hear nothing but the normal noises of the night. What did he hear?

"Do you feel it P'Arthit?" He asked. "So warm, pulsing through the floor."

There was only caverns under the house, it was cold and dark. Nothing more.

"It sounds like...a song." He placed his hand on my heart. "The pulse feels like the beat of your heart."

My heart isn't easy to hear.

"I hear it."

I look up, his words answering me when I said nothing aloud. His eyes are strange as he watches me and the next second it's gone. What was that?

"Go clean up." He needs to eat. "It will be ready soon."

I take a moment to calm myself when he leaves reluctantly, my vampire nature was on edge. He was my Beloved; he was hurt and I could smell him blood. I wanted to hold and sooth, offer my blood to stop the pain and make him heal faster. It isn't long before he's back in a simple shirt, pajama bottoms and bear feet.

"Why are you making me sleep in the spare room P'Arthit?" He looks hurt. "Why can't I sleep in your room like always?"

Always, using the word so causally. It was for his own good to stay in another room.

"I'm hurt, P." He points to his shoulder.

"I know."

"What if I need something in the night?" He looks at me pleadingly. "You can't hear my voice from the spare room to yours."

"I can hear you." I place the food and painkillers in front of him. "Eat it and take the medication."

He touches nothing, his eyes still watching me. Why was I even trying to refuse? In the end I would have watched over him no matter where he was.

"P..." His voice soft. "Can't I...?"

He doesn't eat anything until I agree, moaning as he takes a bite. I close my eyes when they haze, what was I going to do? I was holding onto my control by my finger nails and the images of running my tongue over his bloody shoulder were not helping.


Godt POV

Dressed in black, he moved to the open widow and threw out the bad he had prepared during the day. He hoped he didn't need to use it, but it was drastic times, and something needed to be done and quickly. He dropped the bag first, then jumped out.

"Where you going Godt?"

"Aaahhh." Godt yelled clutching his chest, his life flashing before his eyes. "What...?"

"You promised no running away."

"I'm not P'Himi." I tell him quickly. "I...I need to run an errand!"

"No, go back inside." Himi didn't want to deal with the Masters.

"I'll give you P'Yut's phone number."

Himi is silent for a moment before he takes his phone out of his pocket, handing it to Godt, who grins and sends him the contact details after a few swipes.

"Remember." Himi narrows his eyes. "If your fathers, ask..."

"You know nothing." Godt smiled happily. "Don't worry P'Himi, I'll be back soon."

Godt picked up the black bag he dropped in the grass, slung it over his shoulder and headed out of the garden and into the street. He wasn't doing anything bad, he just had to make sure P'Kong and P'Arthit got together. P'Bee said shifters didn't go near those mated, so once they did Bas wouldn't hug P'Kong anymore.

He had everything he needed, a credit card, a hair pin and a large hammer. Good thing he met P'Beam who helped him plan everything. He didn't tell Nami, she would stop him, but a mate had to do, what a mate had to do.

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