CH 18 - Progress

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"Godt." Bright smiled. "What you doing?"

"I'm using a hairpin to try and pick the door lock." He replied concentrating on his task.

Bright and Tutah share a look. Bright came to Kongpob's apartment on Arthit's instructions, Tutah came when he got a call from the vampire guarding the place that Godt was there.

"Do you think we should stop him?" Bright wonders.

"Maybe we should ask why?" Tutah suggests.

"Oh no..." Godt sounds upset. "I broke the hairpin and I didn't bring a spare."

"You do realise this isn't Kong's apartment?" Bright inquires. "This is the maintenance floor."

"I know." Godt rummages in his bag. "Don't worry, I have everything planned."

"You know when someone says, don't worry." Tutah looks to Bright. "I worry."

"How did you get into the building Godt?" Bright wanted to know; this place had good security.

"My credit card." Godt tells them poking something in the door lock again. "It opens anything with a swipe machine."

"Do credit cards do that?" Tutah looks at his.

"P'New made it especially for me when P'Beam asked." Godt smiles. "P'Beam wanted to come but P'Forth wouldn't let him."

They watch as the young boy manages to open the door and get inside, he walks determined into the empty apartment, heading for one of the doors down the hall. Would this be classed as breaking and entering? It then occurs to them to ask the boy why; they listen as he explains his reasoning.

"Do you think this is going to work?"

"Probably not."

"It will work." Godt rummages in the bag and pulls out a hammer. "P'Arthit really likes P'Kong and he wants to be together with his Beloved, but they are adults so they have to think about things too much. Granny says overthinking is a disease, if you want it, do it. I'm just helping them."

They share a look. It's true but they don't think this is how he planned it. Bright remembers his reason for coming, some changes of clothes for Kongpob.

"You better grab him a suit or two." Tutah says quickly when they hear Godt hammering something. "He has meetings."

"Wait!" Bright shouts running out and returning within a minute, with a full bag. "Okay do it now."

"Nothing happened." Gods voice comes from the door he disappeared through. "Do you think I need a bigger hammer?"

"Are we going to let him do this?" Tutah looks at Bright. "If Arthit finds out..."

"If it goes well, we helped." Bright answers. "If not, we knew nothing about it."

They high five and head for room to help the young vampire, they usually knew what to do to cause the maximum damage. It's how they became friends, situations like this always helped you bond. It had been a while since they caused any trouble, but it was a skill you never forgot.



"Did you get her?"

The gathered had dispersed, only the ones who came with his saviour remained behind to guard and protect. The look on his face made me smile, I didn't know many other magical races but vampires didn't live up to their reputation.

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