CH 6 - Steps

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Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!! Hope you have a great time with your partners :D If like me you are single, I hope you enjoy the desert you love as your curse at the screen watching a romcom T.T

Bright POV

Relationships, when you are an immortal, are not easy. Not everyone sees it as a blessing and not everyone can follow you into the night. You learn to feel less, find distractions to pass the time. You never linger, different places, different people so you don't get attached.

Numerous partners were not always for pleasure, it was to quench your thirst. A Vampire bite left something in the human blood, it disappeared quickly enough but if you drank from the same person often, they become addicted. It wasn't as romantic as it sounded. Thralls and Beloveds could handle it but others, it changed them.

I watched Rome cross the road heading towards the hospital, this wasn't the first time. Even back then, I saw him long before he thought I did. I could feel his eyes watch me, it made me in turn, watch him.

Feelings are scary. I had seen what longing did, I was reluctant to try then. Pretty eyes, soft lips and a body that could make you forget what you were, was rare. You ran away Rome and I was scared to follow but this time be ready. I won't let you run from me again.

"Why are you here again?"

His eyes narrowed, his heart beat faster.

"I came to visit your grandmother." I smiled, standing outside her room.

My eyes burned; my fangs ached...oh, I wanted to play.

"You don't have to, P'Pick or should I call you P'Bright?" His tone accusing. "I don't even know who you really are. Was it meant to be funny?"

No. Coming back to this side was becoming more difficult than in the past, we had to change our names and sometimes, even appearances too.

" reasons." I answer what I can for now. "It's easier if I use a different name."

He watches me quietly.

"You said it was an experiment." He accuses. "What do you want now?"

"You can't put all the blame on me Rome." I watch him. "I went to find you only to be told you left the university. Your apartment manager had no forward address, your friends had no way to contact you..."

" looked for me?" His voice went soft.

"Of course."

I had my people find him to make sure he was okay but before I could go myself, I was called back to the City. This was my first return since then.

"It was only a one-night stand." He tried to reason.

"That happened five times." I corrected, his cheeks turning pink.

"What did he say?"

We both turn to the voice; he inhales sharply seeing the audience but I knew they were there.

"He said, it was a one-night stand, Granny." Godt clarifies. "That happened five times."

"That's called dating, Sensei." Beam sighs before looking to the others. "You're all well, leave the damn hospital so I can treat people who are actually sick."


Knot POV

"This matter is a little more complex than you think." Lady Poppy points to the device in front of me. "Kongpob Surtiluck is already known to me."

I pick up the iPad looking through the documents that came with his picture, she had done a detailed check on him a while back. Kongpob was the Manager of Forth's company, Harrow Constructions.

The documents detailed accounts, performance and fraud that dated back years. I read the next ones carefully, they involved sabotage and accidents on the sites before Forth returned. From the reports it was clear, someone was out to ruin the company and they didn't seem to care if anyone was hurt.

"The incidents have been escalating in the last few weeks but Forth's people have been very diligent." She informs me. "It isn't hard to see what they want."

"To destroy Harrow Constructions."

"A few recent incidents you should be aware of. There was an accident where Lam and Forth were injured." She tells me. "Another where a foundation collapsed and workers were hurt. One with a forklift unbolting, directly involving Kongpob. Forth has been investigating a man in a suit, he tried to kidnap Bas."

I take a seat looking through the rest of the files, if Arthit found out it would be risky. In his need to protect him he could try to force something that might not be advisable.

"Who else knows about this?" I ask.

"Only Forth's people and myself for now." She answers. "Speak to Forth and Nami, they know more."

"Leave this in my hands." I tell the woman who was Arthit's mother in everything but name. "I will arrange matters accordingly."

I needed to have a word with the other three and plan carefully. Finding you're Beloved should be a happy time, why did it turn out this way? I had a strange feeling as I left her office, a storm was coming.


Kong POV

The morning was cold, a crisp wind ran through the air as my hand struck the old wood. I smiled as the owner opened the door.


"I needed you to sign something important P'Arthit." I smile. "I brought you breakfast in return."

I hold up the large bag with the food and a few extra ingredients. It was an excuse, I wanted to see him. He moves aside quickly when I shiver, letting me into the house. I head for the kitchen, putting the document folder on the small side table.

Even though it was cold the sun was already streaming through the large ten-foot windows that covered one side of the wall. The semi-circle kitchen was warm and bright, a small table for two near the windows. Seeing the interior made me like this place more.

Especially seeing the face of the person standing on the other side of the counter observing me so carefully. He watched as I unpacked the food to reheat the congee and cut some of the extra ingredients, answering when I asked him questions. He was still in his pyjamas, I woke him. He shakes his head every so often, the fringe getting in his eyes. How could a grown-up look so adorable?

"Don't eat yet P, let me add..."

I hiss when I feel the sharp pain in my finger, blood soaking the onions and the board. Before I do anything, he is beside me, taking my finger and putting it into his mouth. The soft warmth as he sucks it, sends electric currents through me. He hasn't noticed what he is doing.

"P..." I say softly. "Are you sure you want to carry on?"

His eyes dart to mine, his cheeks turning pink as he quickly let's go and moves away. Kong, you and your big mouth. He wraps my finger gently with a handkerchief, cleaning up the mess and cutting more onions and serving the food.

He listens as I talk but his eyes keep watching me, small movements made him pause and move closer. Light reflected from a utensil made him rush to my side and hold my hand, why was he worried?

"I'm not going to disappear P'..."

I meant it as a joke but the scared look in his eyes made me pause, I pulled him into my lap, holding him close. I thought he would be angry but his arms hugged me back tight, a sigh leaving his lips.

I stayed in his embrace; the sun warm as it bathed us in its light. The rhythm of his heart a soothing melody as I closed my eyes willingly, for once wanting to rest. If you keep indulging me this way P'Arthit, you will become an addiction. Then what will you do?

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