CH 27 - Storm

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The Building Site

"I can't mist."

Wayo told the others around him, if it could affect him the spell was powerful. He many have returned recently but he knew what was happening. The demon was making his move and his father was out of the city. He left Lee at the hospital, keeping the others inside and safe.

"My powers are being affected too." Ming shook his head. "My eyes won't haze."

"It came out of nowhere." Forth ran up to the group. "It's effecting everyone, humans too."

"Demon circle." Grandfather Kongtanin answered arriving with Sing. "They have blanked the space in a three-mile radius."

Blanking was forbidden, not only was it was hard to fool humans now, but the consequences would be problematic. Demons didn't care, they weren't beyond blowing up the area and making it look like an accident to cover what they had done.

"Did anyone see Nami?" Sing looked around. "She sent me a message but now I can't get a hold of her."

"We have more trouble guys." Korn slipped to a halt pointing upward. "What the hell is that?"

They look towards the sky, tiny, thin wisps of smoke wriggled slowly towards the ground. They were transparent, most humans wouldn't see them, but they could.


"I'm assuming that's a bad thing?"

Korn asked looking around the site. This was meant to be an undercover job for Forth, help him find the one who was casing the accidents. Now they had to deal with Armageddon. Where the hell was Fei? Partners should do life risking together.

"Very." Grandfather told him. "They drain magic but if you are a human, they drain life."

"We can provide cover while you get them out." Oak told them joined by Wad. "But the spells restricting us too."

"This is high level stuff." Wad's hands begun to glow. "We need Em and he's missing."

"Where is Kongpob?"

Knot and Bright stopped beside Arthit, they heard it together and watched as the chains broke. Arthit moved faster than anyone, his eyes never leaving Kongpob once they found him. His heart nearly stopping when he saw Kongpob move some of his workers out of the way, his kind heart never wavered.

"Split up, Bright with me." Knot yelled following Arthit. "Prem, Tutah, help Forth and the hunters."

Arthit skid under the falling metal, his back just scraping the ground as he skidded through, spinning 180 degrees before running. He didn't have his vampire abilities to the full, but he wasn't a normal vampire either.

He made his way to Kongpob, watching him fall but managing to cover him with his body before everything could crush him. Pain shot though him as something slicked through his flesh, everything blurred for a second when something hit his head.

He fared through worse, this would not stop him. He watched Kongpob, listening to him breathe. He was injured but Arthit could hear his heart, he was alive, everything else could be healed.



"Have to get out..." Em's words barely a murmur. "Kongpob...its after..."

His words cut short, the symbols on the ground and walls glow, silencing him. First thing first, get him out and the rest would come later. Using the window was not an option, she tried but it shocked her every time she got near it.

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