CH 29 - Mine

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Heart Hospital

"Ahhhh." Kong's father clutches his chest when his wife sits up abruptly. "Can you stop fainting? I'm not young anymore, it's hard to carry you."

"Did...did...did you see it all too?"

"If you mean..."

"The falling things, Arthit moving like a superhero, the purple smoke, our missing son under the debris when they moved it to get Arthit and the raining worms?"


Omg what the hell is happening here? What kind of fiendish nightmare did we walk into? All I wanted was to have a surprise lunch with Arthit and talk about surrogates.

"Good you're awake, aunty." Beam interrupts them. "Can you sit in the other room? I need the bed for people in real medical need."

"Since when did uncle get an axe?" Aunty carried on ignoring the doctor.

"It's the one from his study." Her husband answered. "To fight giants..."

She loved the stories growing up, but who knew the man could wield it!

"You know about it do you." Beam looks at them both. "Since you understand, move along..."

"Of course, we do." Mini glares at Beam moving. "We saw everything, including Sing with a sword."

"Did the hellmouth open..." Uncle asks. "Are vampires...invading...?"

"Uncle, this isn't buffy, and the blood suckers are the good guys. Sometimes." Beam shakes his head. "They are trying to save P'Kong who somehow managed to piss off a demon who wants his soul and took him. Don't worry, P'Arthit will find him, he is his beloved after all. Vampire are really possessive over their lovers and think about it, P'Arthit signed over the house P'Kong likes to him already and took him shopping."

The Sutiluck couple stand frozen, staring at the oblivious doctor. Millie and her husband arrive to hear Beam finish. She was going to ground that boy.

"Stupid Forth, why isn't he rich and shutting down full shopping centres and letting me shop to my little hearts content? No, he mooches of, Yo. I had to fall for the working brother, even Ming's rich."


"Just stay in the hospital, it's got super magic protection. It didn't even move when the demon spell attacked, and the vampires in security are on the prowl for any evil doers."

"Beam, dear. Stop!"

"Why?" Beam questions his other aunt. "P'Arthit's a vampire once he turns P'Kong they will know."

"Arthit is a..." Kong's father stops before going on. "Kong going to be a vamp..."

The all turn when they hear the thud, Mini has fainted again. Beam takes a step back when his aunt's hand looks like it will take flight and land on his head.

"It's not my fault, everyone know I talk, if you don't want beans to be spilled, don't send me!" Beam looks for a hiding place. "Blame Nami, she's the one who told me to check on them. Ground her and let me have her plane!"


Arthit POV

"Drink this?"

I take the vile as grandfather stops me from going into the room. I can hear it, Kongpob's heartbeat.

"Whose blood is this?" Father asks.

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