CH 43 - Memories (2)

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A/N: Thank you for all the kind words and votes everyone, it really means a lot. Sorry for the delay in posting, have a lot going on and the short days and lockdown isn't helping. Stay safe and well xx


Arthit POV

"Who is that guy Arthit?" Jay asked when we left the shop. "He is always waiting for you these days. I'm sad, you're making friends without me."

"Says the man getting married." I replied. "Go home before Namten beats you."

"Things are about to change my friend." Jay grinned. "It's my turn."

He stopped smiling when I stared at him, we both knew he couldn't win. Jay's family was influential, having done a few favours for Sir, on my request. It was the only reason he allowed me to stay friends with Jay.

"Tailors tomorrow, Arthit, it's the last fitting." He puts away the small box carrying the set he had commissioned for her. "Be on time, or she will beat you too."

Jay left after arranging the time. As someone came to stand behind me, I didn't need to look; I knew who it was. Two weeks passed since the fire, I woke that day nestled in soft blankets, with no pain. I expected punishment, but the people around me showed only gratitude for saving the young girl.

It was then I first saw him, the man with changing eyes. Kongpob. His hands warm when they touched, a genuine smile on his lips. He took care of me that night, I asked him if he used Gypsy magic to heal me, it made him laugh, but what else could it be?

I didn't know what was in the medicine he made me drink, but it healed me. I remembered what happened, so how could I wake with so little pain and no burns? I knew the flames singed my skin. No one asked about the fire, it was assumed an accident and I stayed silent. Going back to help with the repairs, quietly.

"I came to walk you home." Kongpob smiled. "Are you done, P'Arthit?"

When I told him to call me P'Arthit, his eyes shone as he laughed but, in the end, he did as I asked. Somehow, he always knew when I would be alone and away from the house. He would appear from behind a tree or walking from the other end of the path. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Ley, the little girl from the fire.

I didn't like strangers, but the more he called my name, the more I wanted to hear it. His voice gentle, his words enticing, as he lured me to places I didn't know. So long I felt adrift, he was a beacon in the dark.

It became a peculiar dream, those days that passed. After that night, Uncle Rule became unwell. Like my father he became weaker, hardly leaving his room. Sir's, orders becoming more demanding, Jay and Namten leaving after their marriage, I felt alone.

It began with accidental touches, fingers grazing the others as we walked. Glances that said more than the few words we spoke, and this feeling, I was where I should be. The days with him, walking along the forgotten paths became my time to breathe. Kongpob never asked me anything, his presence a gentle balm.

I thought I knew Sir could be cruel, but I was still naïve. That night he had his man follow Uncle Rule, to make sure he did his job. It's what saved us, the man heard the gypsies talking. This time they didn't come alone, she came with them. The Gypsy Queen.

The look of pure joy on his face scared me. She didn't always come, last time she was here was years ago, but she was the only one with the power to sell the land. The man reported seeing her often with one man, the one who came to see me.

All the time I spent with Kongpob, he spent planning how to get what he wanted. He knew I became friends with him and allowed it. His men following and reporting every meeting. He sat me down and told me what he wanted.

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