CH 32 - Revelations

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Family Home – Granny POV

She turned on the lamp when it started to get dark, moving slowly not to wake the young one in her lap. Bas moved a little but settled again when she rocked him a little, he didn't like the dark. Bright and Rome still hadn't returned, Godt would come as soon as he found out Bas was here with me.

Everyone was busy and she offered to babysit Bas when Bee was needed at work. The earthquake that rocked the city was still being talked about. None of the government departs sent out warnings and they couldn't pinpoint the epicentre; it was a mystery. She was grateful it didn't cause any major damage.

Granny sat in her chair, thoughts wondering to when the house was new. The children running around, it was filled with laughter and noise. Her husband would wander in after work, finding her no matter where she was and hugging her. It had been three years but she missed him. She still looked out of the window to catch a glimpse, waiting.

Her wedding ring caught the light, the simple band was inexpensive and though he had promised to buy her a diamond ring, they never got around to it. To be honest, she always changed the subject, this was the ring she took her vows with, this was the ring that would always be worth more than diamonds to her.

"Granny..." She looked up hearing the voice. "That...Bas..."

"He fell asleep, dear." I smile stroking the soft fur. "And turned into a bunny."

It should have shocked me much more but for some reason, it felt right.

"That...this....he...we...I can explain." Godt panicked. "It's the gas, I smell makes you hallucinate and...and..."

"I'm old, dear, not stupid." I gave him my serious look. "Bas, I believe is, what's the term? Shifter?"

Godt closed his mouth, that was new.

"And you, dear?" I asked. "Your eyes turn red; I've never seen you turn into anything though. Are you the same or something else?"



Everything went eerily quiet, his eyes turning red as he spoke softly and ordered me to look at him. His words are slow as he commanded me to forget what I had seen. Bas wasn't a shifter, and he wasn't a vampire. I saw nothing strange. Nothing strange.

I watched and listened, my mind becoming hazy. What was he doing, making me forget? I clutched my left hand to my chest hissing when the wedding ring burned. Did it shine? Or was the light catching it again?

"Why...granny...?" He moves back. "That"

"So, you're a vampire." I ask Godt whose mouth drops open. "And shifter is correct."

"I..I..." He looks scared. "I'm sorry I can't tell you."

He grabs Bas and disappears, with great speed. I did have a feeling something was a little strange about them. If he couldn't tell me, I might have to ask someone else. I take my phone from the table next to my chair and dial. I heard the term vampire before, let's see what my old friend Winston had to say about all of this.


Arthit POV

I stood at the foot of the bed; eyes hazed. Mist surrounded me, slowly drifting across the floor to seep into the walls. My body ached, my gums burned, the thirst beginning to gnaw at my insides.

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