CH 35 - Bonding

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A/N: Hello everyone. A quick thank you to you all, for reading, voting and commenting on my stories. We live in scary times, hope you and your loved ones are doing well. Stay safe  xx

Bright POV

"She came to ask, I told her what she wanted to know." Winston told Ming. "She is an old friend, I couldn't lie. But I thought you ought to know."

"She would find out eventually." Ming reassured. "This might be better."

He was right, I would have to tell Granny and Rome eventually. I wanted to deal with the problem regarding his fiancée first. Strange to call her Granny when I was much older than her.

"If anyone asks, use my name." I move away from the fireplace. "Be sure to say permission was given before you told her."

Winston nods, he looks between us, frowning. I make him nervous. If you wanted to know about things, ask close friends. Records show her husband is gone, but she talks as though he will come home any time.

"Her husband." I watch him. "Where is he?"

"Missing. There was an accident." He frowns. "They tried to declare he was gone but she wouldn't allow it."

"Did you introduce Din Cheewagaroon and his family to Rome's father?"

"No, but they are dangerous people."

It was evident he didn't like them. "First time I am hearing of it."

"You won't, no one will speak of it."

"Did you tell Granny?"

"I did when she told me to look into them for her. No matter how deep you dig you will not find anything out about them." He looks at me. "I told her to be careful. Anyone going against that family."

He left the statement hang but he was right, with all the digging my people were doing they came up with nothing. No one managed to stay that clean, even saints made mistakes. He stops us when we make a move.

"She asked something else." Winston took out a small piece of wood, engraved with a symbol. "She asked me to help her find out what it was. It belonged to her husband."

I saw the symbol, a sign of warning. The first travellers used it in the past to warn the ones who would come after them. Connections, connections, you couldn't get away from them.

"I will look into it." Ming takes the piece. "Stay safe, if anything happens. Call me immediately."

Winston nods hugging Ming before we leave, the affection was easy to see. Humans were fragile and the man was ageing, a short time left to cherish what they had.

"Did you get a chance to speak with P'Arthit?" Ming aske as we left.

"No, the house is still sealed." I answered. "The problem with the company. Tell Forth to handle it."

I take out my phone when it vibrates, reading the text. Din's family sent out notices to every major publication to print a congratulatory announcement of his and Rome's official engagement. Along with a wedding date, for next month. The boy was upping his game, it was time I did too.


Bar – Ladies Night.

"You have two children, been together for decades and you control his money." Mini stares. "Why are you two not married?"

Sotus BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora