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Time never stops, everything moving and changing in its wake. It bends mountains and shapes the world to its will. They say it can heal all wounds and make for you forget. But they lie. We are immortal, it holds no sway over us. The wounds don't heal but linger and we never forget.

He walked the path alone again, everything calm; the waves gentle as they hit the sands and go back quietly. He made his way towards the cliffs, walking barefoot in the sand. An old habit he still followed.

Memories assailed him but they were old friends and in them, he could hear his voice, they were welcome. Most. It had been a while since he came this way but the tiny voice he ignored had found its way to his ears after so long. Maybe...maybe, it whispered and he was a fool who listened.

"Take your shoes off P'Arthit."

"I don't want to." I glared. "I hate sand sticking to me."

"That's the fun part in coming Pee." Kong chuckled pushing me down and taking of my shoes and socks. "Don't worry, I will wash your feet for you."

It was the smile; I could never stay angry when he looked at me that way.

"Walk with me P."

"Why do you like it here so much?" I ask as I'm pulled along.

"No one will see us here." He smiles. "And if I'm very will let me hold your hand."

The place and memory changed.

"Runaway with me p..."

"Stop saying foolish things." I snapped. "You don't understand..."

"I do, P'Arthit." He hugged my back. "But my heart only wants you."

I curled my hand into fists not moving, letting the nails dig into my palm. Why did he always say these things? Why didn't he understand what would happen if they knew?

He watched as the mist thinned and begin to clear, She knew he was coming. He watches the door appear in the side of the cliff and the lights burn. He picks up his right foot but before he can place it on the pebbles screams fill his mind. Different voices and words echo from the past before he hears his love call his name.

{You did this, you made me do this.}


"No, please." I yelled struggling against the two men holding me. "Stop..."

The man didn't listen, no reason in his cold eyes as he watched me struggle. I looked at Kong, every part of my wanting to tell him I was sorry. I scream as he pushes the sword into Kong's stomach, trying to wrench my arms out of the hold but they won't let me go.

He takes out the sword and thrusts it threw him again. I fight the ones holding me, calling Kong's name in the deafening silence that's taken over. I barely manage to free an arm before they have a hold on me again. Get to him, I had to get to him.

"As long as this boy lives." He moves closer to Kong. "You will disobey me again."

"No...I will do as you ask...stop, let him go...please, I'm begging you..."

I hear my name on Kong's lips as he falls to the ground, the man raises the sword again plunging it through his back.

I scream, yell, struggle to get free but they won't let me go. I cry and beg as I watch the man I love bleed before my eyes and fall to the ground. It wasn't meant to be this way. Not this way.

They push me to the ground, only a few meters away from him as they made me watch his last moments, as the light left his eyes. I whisper his name, willing him to move to look at me to speak but there is nothing.


A sharp pain pierces his chest; he moved his foot back onto the sand. He never should have listened to it, the small voice of hope that crept in. He caused his own pain he had no right to come ask Her for help.

He turned around and walked back along the sand, his footprints beginning to disappearing as the waves lashed over them. Everything could vanish but he had to live, so at least there was one person who remembers. The smiling face and the voice of his Kongpob.


Soul Witch

The lights faded, the door closed and the mists returned to once again guard the entrance. She watched through the crystal as he left the way he came. Foolish boy, I open the door for you why do you never come to me?

The heavens didn't cause your pain child, it is the humans who interfere. They let their own desires and greed destroy everything around them. They do not see love as precious to be safeguarded, they see it as a folly.

She looked up as a soft chirping filled the large cavern and small bird landed on her crystal. It shimmered and changed, feathers turning green, blue and yellow as its tail feathers trailed to the floor. It pecked the crystal five times before jumping to the pedestal nearby and fell asleep.

When she gave the feather to Knot she never imagined he would use it near Nami or what her worry would create. The girl had a power not seen in many generations, she could not only see paths, she had the power to create them too.

She watched as the colours swirled inside the crystal, finally she found him, the soul that was hidden. The ink moved again, surprised at what they showed her. So close, he was hidden so close all along.

She watched the soul but its glow is wrong. She moves away, running down the stairs to the vial room, searching the shelves until She finds what is needed. Hurrying back, pouring the red liquid over the ball and watching as it disappears into the crystal.

The soul shimmers golden before a faint light flickers lilac, she was right but then something new swirls. There is something hidden, She looks closer and inhales sharply when it becomes clear. It couldn't be. Taking a deep breath and letting her powers crackle in her hands, it would be dealt with it when it came. First things first, it was time for Moonlight lovers to meet again.

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