CH 22 - Dots (2)

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Poppy POV

A touch of fear making its way to the surface as the minutes ticked by but then she remembered Arthit's face. I was in the office when Kongpob called, the look in his eyes I prayed never to see again. Empty.

He couldn't do it again; lose him and survive this time. I may not have given birth to him but I raised him and Wayo. To them, I may only be their father's secretary, but to me, they were my family.

It wouldn't be long, I watched the seconds tick by, closer to their mark. I opened the car door and stepped out as it struck midnight. I closed my eyes and listened, hearing the bell and following the sound to stand before a pair of trees.

I felt the magic, holding tight to the necklace as it vibrated. At least it was good for something. I raised my hand when the sound of the bell changed, raising the necklace. The tree glimmers, vines begun to moves as they intertwined and the way began to form.

The pendent levitated on its own, moving through the ripple that was the doorway, and taking me through. The scent of forgotten glades assailed my senses the moment I stepped through. The old lamps burned in vibrant colours as the magic ebbed.

I stepped towards the counter a few feet before me, the wall behind, from floor to ceiling lined with endless shelves. Every one filled to the brim with jars, scrolls, crystals, rocks, ornaments and artefacts, long forgotten.

"What brings one of your kind to my shop?"

I turned to the voice, an old man leaning on a stick appeared. Barely five feet tall, his green hair brushing the floor behind him as he walked slowly to me.

"I came for an artifact." I answered placing a drawing on the counter. "This one."

Old eyes watched and judged.

"Do you know what it is for?"

She knew too well. "I do."

"Do you know what the cost to use it is?"

"I do."

Old eyes watched for long moments before turning his hand, summoning the artefact she wanted.

"How will you pay?"

She handed over the pendent.

"You can never cross the boundaries, if you give that to me."

I never planned to. I handed it over, it was more a burden than the gift they thought when leaving it with me.

"What could be so important, that you would forsake your kin." The old man asked. "And risk sacrificing your soul?"

My answer was simple. "My son."

Understanding dawned in old eyes, he asked no more and handed her what she came for. She took what was given and left the way she came.

The others had their own plans but I wanted a safety net. The artefact was a prison, that would trap and shatter the being contained inside but the price was the soul of the holder. I would do it, if it meant protecting Arthit.




"What do you mean, no?" Her grandmother fumed. "Did you not hear what I told you?"

"I heard every word." I answered. "And it's still no."

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