CH 52 - Crime

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Bright POV

The afternoon was turning into evening, everything quiet on the suburban street. A couple walked arm in arm, chatting as they headed home. A young woman jogged, music playing from her ear piece. An elderly gentleman kept pace with his dog, who was happily pulling its owner towards home and food.

A normal day to all outside, not one of them heard the scream. A rippling mist surrounded one house, almost invisible to the eyes, unless you looked very closely. Inside, a man bled on the pristine carpet, his breathing erratic as he tried to gasp for air. On the seat watching him, sat a vampire.

"Where is he?" The calm voice barely managing to hide the fury beneath. "Where is Rome?"

"I...I... don't know."

"Lying to me," Bright turned his head. "Will make you die slower and in much more pain."

"I really don't know," The man wheezed. "They said to get him into the house, that's all I did. I don't know where they took him."

I wondered how that woman got past my vampires, insects you think don't matter sometimes managed to surprise you. Nami warned me, don't touch him, unless you must.

"Did she promise to turn you?"

The human flinched. It was always the same, money, power, status, immortality. The more forbidden the better.

"You can live forever, why can't I?" The man lifted his head enough to say before lowering it again. "Why should only a few have the privilege...?"

Because only a few can.

"As long as you didn't touch my Beloved." Bright looked at the man. "I would have let you be."

"I'm a bloodline of a returned...I'm protected..."

"Not from me."

Bright's eyes haze; finger taped his forehead. The man's scream echoed through the room, never passing the barrier created around his house. His blood had thinned, the protection long gone. Even if it was still there, he would have turned it to dust.

"Give him what he wants." Bright told his oldest Newling. "Turn him."

The man looked shocked but the two vampires who stayed understood. They could taste the tang in his blood, he wasn't compatible he would die in the process.

Where ever they took him for now Bright knew where Rome would be in the end. He mists heading for Prem, time to destroy Din and rip out the roots of that family. Permanently.


Heart Memorial – Arthit Office.

Kong POV

"The look in your eyes," I move closer, his eyes beautiful as they planed what to do with me. "I like it."

I came to see P'Arthit, giving him time after speaking to his father. You do things for the people you love, sometimes making choices they may not like in order to keep them safe. He was so young then and I had little time. I never feared anything, but seeing hate in these eyes when they looked at me, I feared that more than death.

"You don't know what the look in my eyes means."

But I did. You want to lock me away so I can't do anything foolish again. Obsession, something every race carried, it was said the vampires were the worst. The first time I looked into your eyes and knew you were mine; I was the same.

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