Ep 45

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PoV: ...

"Were going to sharing the beach with other school near by so please behave yourselves!" Our teacher shouted before letting us all go.

  I looked around, it seemed like there weren't many schools close to each other. There was a small cliff between us and what looked like another clue.

  I hung out near the small wall of rocks with some shaved ice I bought for now.

"Hey! I wasn't ready for that!" I heard such a familiar voice, which was impossible. I only mobian i ever cared about vanish months ago after being diagnosed. Still, I was constantly haunted by a blue sky that reminded me so much of him.

"No, it was perfect!"

"No way! You keep taking my picture but no one takes yours, smile!" CLICK!

  "Tsk," I sighed as I had to listen to the two childish teens on the other side of the rocks.

"Sonic let's go get some grilled squid!"


"What?!" I couldn't believe the name I just hear called. I climbed over the Rick's as quickly as I could. As I reached the top I looked around at the neighboring class. I couldn't see him. I looked towards the board walk, the only thing I got was the slightest glimpse of blue befor it vanished behind the rest of the rocks near the stands.

  There's no way... it couldn't be...

"Scourge!" Jet called me from our classes side of the rocks, "Any hot babes over there? I think Storms itching to tap some ass."

"What?" I looked back at them for a split second, "Yeah, sure what ever. I gotta go."

"Scourge? Where you going?!" I ignored them as I climbed down the rocks, following the blue glimpse I had.

  I have to know... I have to know if its him!

PoV: Sonic

"Its good!" The grilled squid Blaze handed me was amazing.

"Right? I love eating all the squid I want when I come here," Blaze was on her second squid already.

"Your covered in the sause Blaze," I laughed as I grabbed a napkin to wipe the sauce off her mouth.

"Thank you," she laughed, "Its on you face too."

"Is it?" I started wiping my mouth to try and get it off.

"Here," Blaze lifted my chin and wiped my cheek, "There, all clean."

"Thanks," I took another bite and we walked to the ice cream stand next.


  I turned back as I heard a faint voice calling my name. I knew it, it gave me an anxious feeling.

"Sonic, you okay?" Blaze took my hand.

"Yeah, just thought someone was calling me. Its nothing," I followed her as we walked back to the beach with out ice creams.

  Still... I thought I knew that voice. Whatever, its probrably just in my head.

PoV: Shadow

  The beach... it was hot and the class was crowded into a small area. I sat down under a beach umbrella for now. Sonic was on the other side with Blaze. They had picked a spot by the rocks. I watched them take pictures of each other before the ran off to the food stands. Some kid from another class had climbed the rocks. He just looked over us, but then he took off running after the direction Sonic went.

  It's none if my concern...

  I tried to ignore it, but my body refused to relax. In the end I got up and followed him.

  It was exactly as I suspected. This green hedgehog was following them and trying to get close to Sonic. He seemed to constantly be blocked by a line, or mobian. It was clear his goal was either Blaze or Sonic.

"Tsk," What is this guy planning?

"Hey!" I grabbed him.

"Who the hell are you?" He pulled his arm away from me.

"I could ask you the same thing. Why are you following around my classmates? Those girls are ot of your league," I made it clear that neither of them were interested.

"Girls? So their both female... My bad. I never got a clear look of them, I thought it someone I knew. But he left for good..." they had this lonely look in their eyes that I didn't want to bother with.

"If you want to talk with someone go find someone who'll listen. I don't want to hear some sap story," I started to walk away.

"What is she like?" He asked, "I caught a glimpse of blue fur... That's one of the girls right, one has blue fur?"

"Yeah..." Who is this guy? Why is he so interested in Sonic? Can't he realize Sonic is off limits to anyone other that- No... don't finish that thought, it's a bad sign.

"What is she like?" He repeated his question.

"She's... She's kind hearted, and fights for justice. She acts like some kind of hero to the weak, and she likes to laugh and she hides her pain. She's... she's not worth any of us," I answered him, but I didn't even understand why I was.

"She sounds great, you're lucky if you get her," he sighed, "I lost a friend because I did something stupid, don't make that mistake. Bye," he left after that, leaving me alone on the boardwalk.

  I'm lucky if I get her... That's impossible.

"I've made too many mistakes already."

PoV: ...

"Awhh... It was just my imagination then," I sighed as I started to walk back to my class.

"This is great."


  I could hear everyone's conversations around me.

"I'll be right back, I just need some water- oh!" Someone ran into me as I was walking.

"Watch-! ...it..." my body froze. My chest was holding my breath as sheer shock overwhelmed me.

  His blue fur that was blue that the ocean behind him. Green eyes that glimmered in the sun, the seemed brighter than they used to.

"Sorry-" he looked up at me, and that was when I realized what I was looking at. He was in a girl's swim suit, and hiding from everyone.

"Sonic..." I grabbed his hand, "You're here..."



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