Ep 65

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PoV: Sonic

"Finally, I found you," she was right in front of me... and working with the police... "My baby boy."


"You scared me half to death," she knelt down in front of me, reaching to me, but stopped. She gave me an awkward smile before pulling her hand away, "It's okay. You're safe now."

"Baby boy?"

"Did she just call Sonic a boy?"

"Look, their fur is almost the same color."

"Sonic... isn't a girl..."

"That's can't be true. I love her."

"You may dismiss the student body now. I'm bringing my son home. I'll having him corrected and-"

"No!" I snapped.

"No? Sonic Hedgehog, you will not disrespect me. You've let this disease take over your mind. You need to be treated or you'll never be anything other than a disgusting freak."

"I'm not a freak..." I wanted to cry. The first time I'd seen my mother in months... she just wanted to send me away, "Just leave me here. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was in school... I had a job... You want to send me away so bad why even bother looking for me? Go away and leave me alone... You said it yourself. I'm not your kid anymore."

"SONIC!" I was suddenly hugged and I quickly recognized that outfit... it was Amy... "You idiots! What are you doing to her! Let her go, my father is chief of police so you better listen to me!"

"Amy, I told you to wait in the car. You need to get out of the horrible outfit-"

"I won't! Sonic gave these to me. I'll never give them up! She hasn't done anything wrong. She stopped the school's bully problem. Everyone in the fan club loves her. She's been nothing but kind. She even saved me from falling down the stairs," Amy wasn't letting me go, "You can't arrest her!"

"I can, because he is a boy in women's clothing. You need to let him go before you're contaminated. NOW AMY ROSE!" Her father snapped at her.

"You're lying... IF SONIC SAYS SHE'S A GIRL SHE'S A GIRL! YOU CAN'T JUST ARREST HER BASED OFF A RUMOR!" Amy only held onto me tighter.

"It's no lie," My mother held up my old school ID and some old pictures of me as a kid, "I'm his mother. You need to get away from him Darling. He's been doing nothing but lie to this entire school."

  I could hear the mummers start again. Still, Amy wasn't letting go. The tears in her eyes... It wouldn't be long before she left me- Eh?

  Amy pulled away, releasing my lips from hers, "I still love her anyway. You take me away too. I'm guilty of loving a woman. So condem me. Condem your own daughter Papa!"

"Amy Rose! You're grounded for the rest of your life!"

"I love her too!" One of the fan club members spoke up, "I know it's wrong... she's not really a girl but... My feels won't go away that easy!"

"I won't let you arrest her!" Another member came out of the crowd.

"Me either! FREE OUR FRIENDS!"


"Sonic is my best friend!" I knew that voice. Tails... "You can't take her away!"

"This entire school has been infected," My mother stepped away from me, "You see what you've done. You've infected everyone around you like a virus. You need to be contained."

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