Ep 4

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PoV: Sonic

  I walked into the highschool, no one was there yet except for the Janitor.

"Excuse me," I called him, "Do you know where the main office is?"

"It's just down that way," he pointed down the hall.

"Thank you," I started walking down the hall until I found the office. There were only a few adults here, "Excuse me," the lady in a suit looked at me, "I'd like to register for school here."

"Another one, okay come on," she took me into the principles office and handed me a paper, "Fill this out."

  I started filling out the paperwork. I put it my name but I didn't know my new address yet. I marked the grade I was in and my age. I handed it back to her as she typed on her computer.

"You forgot to fill out the gender and address," she said and started marking up the paper.

"I don't know my new address yet, let me fill out the gender," I reached for the paper back.

"Its fine, I filled it out for you. We don't send letters to homes anyway so the address is irrelevant. Any emergency contacts?"

"N-no..." I couldn't listen my parents, they'd  never come for me.

"Alright. Come back tomorrow dressed in your uniform. You can purchase a weeks set of uniforms at the front desk. This," she handed me a paper printed from below her desk, "is your slip to get one as a student here. Now please my office."

"Y-yes ma'am," I took the slip and walked to the front desk where I handed it to the man there.

"What's your size?" He asked.

"Small," I answered.

  He got up and picked out and uniform, "Check to see if this'll fit you."

  He handed me a skirt... "I'm wait this is a skirt-"

"Look I don't care if you're a feminist or want a smaller skirt. That is what you're required to wear at this school. If you dont wear it you get detention. If you get too many detentions you'll be suspended, then expelled for wearing inappropriate clothing. Now hold the skirt up to your waist," he ordered.

  I needed to buy a brush so I could comb my quills back into place. I was getting tired of being mistaken for the wrong gender. I held the skirt like he asked me to and he walked off. I was met with five more black skirts and clean white button up tops. He placed a jacket on the the pile as well as a grey vest. He asked me for my shoe size and handed me the sneakers I'd be required to wear in gym. Finally he gave me my gym uniform and a a copy of the dress code for girls.

"That'll be a hundred and fifty dollars," he held out his hand.

"A hundred a fifty!? For this?" That was two thirds of the money I had.

"Play or leave women," he held out his hand and I paid him.

  I stuffed the uniforms and everything into my backpack, which I had emptied before I left this morning. I walked out and decided I should buy some food to last me through the week. The only thing I could afford was a packet of Cup Noodle, a box of cereal and some milk. I rode the bike back to the bakery, though it took me a minute to remember where it was. That school had taken all my money for a stupid paper that would let me get a proper job.

"Hi Miss. Are you the new delivery girl?" A little girl was standing besides me as I locked the bike in its place.

"Yeah... well I'm actually a-"

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