Ep 44

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PoV: Blaze

  This was the best day of my life~!

"Is this really okay? I don't look weird do I?" Sonic was actually posing for me!

"You're adorable!" I couldn't be more happy!

---Earlier That Day---

"Sonic, how's your back today?" I came home from shopping and I found Sonic in the kitchen.

"Its great, look! I made lunch!" He was holding up a plate with spaghetti on it. He even added his roasted vegetables into it.

"Woah, that's impressive," in honesty it was one of the easiest dishes to learn, but the bandages on Sonic's hands made it clear enough that he tried making the dish over and over again, "Can I try some?"

"Of course!" He had such a bright smile. I grabbed a fork and took the bigget bite I could. It was bland, but I couldn't tell that to his face, "How is it?"

"Delicious!" I ruffled his fur, "You're becoming an amazing cook!"

"You really think so!" He had the brightest smile on his face, "I'm learning how to make a chocolate cake next!"

"Sonic, hold on, after we eat I had something special in mind," I took out my phone and opened a picture of the beach, "This is what the beach looks like."

"Wow! It's beautiful~" his eyes were practically glimmering he was so excited.

"I got some swimsuits for you to try on. We'll have a photo shoot after," I stuck a fork full of noodles into his mouth and he smiled.

  I took a picture of his messy face and offered the photo on the fan chat I created. Everyone loved it as usual. After we finished shooting I checked Sonics back. His bruises had faded completely but he still felt pain. I couldn't take him to a doctor or they would take him away. I just had to hope he was perfectly fine. Until he was fine, he was mine to spoil.

"Come on Sonic. You'll have fun."

PoV: Shadow

  It was annoying. Sonic hadn't spoken to me since he yelled at me for his jacket. The video I had was disgusting, still... I had dreams of the video, Sonic's body was the one I'd be doing. These two weeks of silence made me want to do nothing but to grabbed him. I didn't care if all he was doing was yelling at me for being an asshole. I needed that sicko to say something to me, anything. Even if it was an insult, I needed him to recognize my existance.

"I'll kill him," I kicked my dirty laundry basket into the laundry room. I stuffed it into the washing machine and took my dry clothes fromt he dryer, "that damn thing shrunk my jacket-"

  The small jacket in my hand wasn't mine. It was Sonic's from the last time he was over. Not a stain or wrinkle on it. All of mine had some kind if subtle damage to them from parties. This one could only be Sonic's.

  He tells me he's a virgin... How long was he sick before he found out? Why didn't he go to a rehabilitation camp like he was told to? Why did he come here? Of all the cities, why here?
PoV: Blaze

  Sonic tried on every swimsuit I gave him. Ones with skirts and one without. I have him one covered in blue and pink stripes. A two piece with a skirt.

"Its a cute swimsuit but..." He gave me a cute little anxious smile, "I dont think pastel matches my fur all too much."

"No, your right. We should go darker, try this one," I handed him a black two piece. It was a tube top with black ruffles on the top and skirt. It gave him a dark lolita appearance.

"Maybe?" He wasn't sure about it. I could read his emotions like a book.

"You know you can pick ones to try on two. Don't forget, all the ones you don't want I'll return so no money is wasted, okay?" I handed him a red one peice with a triangle design cut into the left side.

"I like red, is this one too much?" He didn't know a thing about swimsuits.

"Just a bit. Someone might think you're a tomato," I turned around as he took it off.

  I took pictures if him in each suit he tried on. But, we couldn't seem find one that worked. Bikinis, one peices, skirts, shirts. Nothing seemed to fit right. I grabbed everything and Sonic came with me to return it all. I let him look around while I worked out the return.

  A style for Sonic... cute fits him, but he didn't like any of the cute ones. Sexy... it would have to fit him perfectly, and no modern styles fit his body just right. Loli is a no. He isn't goth in anyway. I got it!

"Blaze. What about this one?" It was like Sonic had read my mind. The suit he was holding was the perfect style.

"Well take this one," I took it from Sonic and put in on the register. Sonic had a bright smile on his face as he hugged the bag on the way home. Now, we head to the beach.


  Salty air... a bright blue sky... hot sun, and cool sea. Nothing could take the joy from Sonic's eyes. Her ran right into the sand with smile.

"Blaze! Hurry up!" He called as the class went to our reserved spot on the beach.

"Coming!" I ran after him and we picked our spot.

  Sonic's smile never faded, I rested below the shade of the umbrella. Sonic stood up and shaded his eyes from the sun. His eyes gleaming into the ocean. The sun shining off his fur and swimsuit. The perfect picture fo the perfect friend.


"Hey, I wasn't ready for that," Sonic took the camera

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"Hey, I wasn't ready for that," Sonic took the camera.

"No, it was perfect!" I fought with him over the camera.

"No way! You keep taking my picture but no one takes yours, smile!"

Click! He took my picture as I jumped up to grab the camera.

  We took turns with the camera all day. This was our vacation. Me and him, this was our break from the world.

And we both deserved it. We both needed Sonic's smile.


I hope you guys like my drawing. It took 3 hours and 40 minutes to make. Were getting to anticipated chapter I've been dying to write so please wait for my update. I promise I'll make it as soon as I can.

Love you guys~

Bye bye~ 😘😘

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