Ep 10

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PoV: Sonic

"Okay... this shouldn't be to hard..." I gulped and looked at the recipe, "Its just cupcakes."

"Are you okay?" The girl next to me asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine," I replied. Except I'm the only one in here who can't cook...

"Didn't your mom teach you how to use a mixer?" She asked.

"N-no she didn't," I picked up a bowl, "I'll just do it this way."

"Okay?" She looked away and I started by following the recipe.

  I really hope I don't fuck this up.

"Ah!" I knocked over the floor and caught it before it hit the ground. Everyone was staring, "S-Sorry..."

  I spilled the sugar into my batter and dropped the eggs by mistake. All the other girls had clean work spaces and their cupcakes were already in the oven. I was covered in flour and dough, and my station was a mess... I managed to fill my cupcake tray and put it in the oven. I cleaned up while they baked, then I had to make the frosting. I spilled the powdered sugar and my frosting ended up all salty.

"Why is it salty..." I hadn't used any salt.

"You're cupcakes!" The girl yelled.

"Shoot!" I pulled them out of the oven. My cupcakes were completely burned...

"Sonic, you failed this assignment," the teacher said.

"Y-yes ma'am..." I lowered my head.

"How is she supposed to be a good wife?"

"What kind of girl can't cook?"

"She's gonna be a horribly wife."

"Hey, its okay," the girl who had the counter next to me picked up one of my burned cupcakes. She broke it open, "Look. The inside is perfectly cooked."

"It is?" I dried my hands and picked one up. I took a bite of the inside, "Its no good..."

"We can fix it. Come on," she picked up my frosting, "And start this over."

  She dumped all the insides of my cupcakes into a bowl and told me how to make good frosting. She dumped frosting into the crumbled cupcake centers and told me to roll them into balls while she melted chocolate. She poured chocolate over the balls and set them out.

"Done!" She smiled, "Cheif! Please come and re review the cupcakes!"

"I already failed-"

"Shh, be quiet," she replied.

"Right..." I stayed quiet and watched as Cheif took a bite of the new cupcakes.

"Hmph. B minus. The batter had too much sugar. And Sonic," she looked at me, "next time you nearly burn down my kitchen you'll stay in the halls. You two get to clean up after school."

"Y-yes ma'am," I replied. Cheif left to grade the other girls and I wanted to cry, "I suck at this..."

"Hey, at least you got a B minus!" The girl smiled. Her long tail slowly waving. He amber eyes gazing over me.

"Thank you for helping," I started dusting the flour off my clothes.

"Your new right?" She asked.


"What's your name?" She wiped the flour off my cheek.

"Sonic..." I mumbled.

"Nice to meet you," she didn't make fun of my name... "My name is Blaze."

"Blaze, it's nice to meet you too," I took her hand.

"Looks like we have clean up duty," she gave me one of her cupcakes. It was perfect! Soft and fluffy, I could never make this...

"This is amazing!" I took a second bite.

"I'm glad you like them," She started cleaning up my counter, "Let's get you cleaned up."

"O-okay..." she pulled me into the girls bathroom and start wiping the flour and dough off my uniform.

"Are you always this clumsy?" She asked.

"No, I've just... I've never cooked before..." It was emberassing. I made suck a pathetic girl. I couldn't even make cupcakes, let alone an egg.

"Your mother never taught you? Well, I've seen worse. Trust me, you're not the only one whose failing Chief's class," she started wiping down my shirt, "oh shoot."

"What is it?" I asked.

"The water... the boys will be able to see your bra," she stopped, "These shirts are way too transparent."

"Its okay. I can just put my jacket back on. I stuffed it in my backpack," I said.

"You can't walk out like that," she put her jacket over me and stopped.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. She was just staring... I'm not showing am I? I looked down at my skirt, I knew I wasn't aroused, and I hadn't slipped out by accident.

"Yeah, yeah," her cheeks were a bit pink, "Let's go get your jacket."

"Thank you again."

"Its no problem."


  We were both cleaning and Blaze walked me to my bike.

"Hey, Sonic," She grabbed my hand, "If you want to practice cooking, I don't have a problem teaching you," she said.

"Really! Oh, but... I don't want to be a burden... and I have to get to work," I let her hand go.

"You won't be. Here's my number. Call me and I'll go pick you up. You can cook at my house, I have a big kitchen."

"Oh but... I don't have a phone," I said.

"Okay... here's my address," she wrote it down on a post it note, "C-come over tomorrow after work. Okay?"

"Sure," I took the note.

"I have to go now. Good-bye," Blaze walked away and I put the note in my bag.

  I biked back to the bakery. Vanilla gave me my work uniform, I was so thankful it had pants. It made riding the bike easier. I was making my first deliveries.

"Let's see," I pulled out a paper map of the city with the addresses, "First is main street with a cake. That would be... here. Let's go."

  I can do this for sure.


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