Ep 5

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PoV: Sonic

"Do I really have to try try these on?" I asked holding the frilly white panties in my hand.

"You won't know if it fits otherwise," Vanilla answered, "once you know that one fits we can hold it up to others to make sure they'll fit too."

"So it's just this one, okay," I did what she said and tried them on in the changing room.

  Girls underwear was so different, it was snug but not tight. It felt soft and comfortable, breath able too. I'm so happy I'm a hedgehog. I didn't have a bulge in the panties, my -er- area... wasn't open and loose like some boys. Mine stayed below my pelt until I used the bathroom or got sexually aroused. I didn't have to worry about accidentally exposing myself as a boy.

"Sonic," Vanilla called, "do you need any bras?"

"No!" My voice cracked, "I mean... I'm too flat to wear one, I think I'm alright."

"Sonic!" She snapped at me, "That's completely inappropriate. You need to cover up, what are you going to do when it's cold out or raining?"

"Wear a jacket-"

"We're getting you fitted for a bra," Vanilla walked away and I looked at my chest in the mirror, Can I even wear a bra? "I'm coming in."

"What?! Ee!" I held my shirt in front if my body to cover myself, "Ms.Vanilla what are you doing?!"

"Relax Sonic. It isn't as though I've never seen a girl before, I have a daughter. Now, put the shirt down and hold up you arms," she had cloth measuring in her hand, "We have to check your cup size."

"... I've never done this before..." It was a cold measuring.

"Hold still, okay. Now arms down," she adjusted the tape as I lowered my arms, "32 triple A."

"What's that?" I was confused, what was with the letters and numbers?!

"You're size. You'll have to look in the training bra section."

"Training bra..."

"Oh sweetie, you're just a laye bloomer. Your breasts will grow with time," she pulled my shirt over my head.

"I'm sixteen..."

"There's still time. And theres nothing wrong with small breasts."

  I dont have breasts... "Let's just pick the bras, please."

"Of course. How's the underwear fit? It's very flattering," she asked.

  I forgot I was wearing these?!

"Th-they fit just fine thank you!" I heard the panic in my voice. This was horribly embarrassing.

  In the end, I walked put with a bag of girls underwear that Vanilla chose for me since I didn't know what to buy; then a second bag of bras that matched each pair of underwear. Vanilla refused to show me the recite so I could pay her back. We we got back to the apartment she took the new underwear from me and my school uniform. While she had them I realized I had no pot to heat water in for my noodles. I also had no bowls to eat the cereal in.

"Mm... maybe I should have bought paper bowls instead of milk..." I opened the cereal box and ate the dry cereal with my hands, taking sips of my milk to wash it down. I'll buy a bowl and cup when I'm paid. Maybe a small pot too, or a tea kettle. Which ever is cheaper.

"Sonic," there was a knock on my door, "I'm coming in."

"Coming," I opened the door. Vanilla had a basket in her hands.

"You have a pink mustache," the little girl laughed.

"I guess I do," I wiped my mouth and watched Vanilla start going through my drawers.

"There," Vanilla stood up with an empty basket, "You clothes are clean and folded. You'll be ready to got to school tomorrow."

"You didn't have to wash them for me. I think I have a quarter somewhere. I could have taken them to wash," I started looking through my bag.

"One quarter won't do you any good," Vanilla stopped and picked up the milk and cereal off the floor where I was eating, "What's this?" She asked.

"Lunch, or dinner. Maybe both?" I answered, "I didn't have the cash to buy bowls. But when I'm done with the milk I can cut it to make a bowl to heat up water in. Actually that won't work on a stove. But it'll work for cereal."

"Sonic, can you wait for about fourty five minutes?" She asked.

"Sure," I yawned. I had no clock, I didn't know what time it was, but the sun was still out. I felt exhuasted.

  She left and I laid down on the futon after unfolding it. I still had no blanket or pillow, but this was enough for now.

  This... feels... so... nice...


"Sonic. Sonic, it's time to wake up."

"Mm..." Where... oh yeah, I live here now, "When did I fall asleep?" I yawned and stretched. The sun was still out, but I couldn't tell it it was rising or setting.

"You fell asleep at four in the afternoon. It's six am now," Vanilla handed me a plastic back, "You'll need these."

"What is it?" I found a toothbrush, tooth paste, floss, a brush, dish soap, and a sponge, "Thank you. You do so much for me, and you've never met me before-" I felt something slip off me. I had a blanket covering me, "When did this-?"

"Go shower and get ready for school," she handed me body wash, "Its your first day, you don't want to be late."

"Right," I got up and brushed my teeth.

  Chaos it felt amazing to floss and brush everything off them until they were white again. The warm water of the shower felt amazing. When I walked out I found a towel folded on the counter. The soft cotton was like a dream. I looked through the bag I had brought into the bathroom with me. There were... sanitary napkins in there as well. I put them under the sink, at least ot would fool anyone who came over. I got dressed in my clean uniform and grabbed my bag, it was heavy? I opened it, there was a five subject notebook and a pencil case with a pencil, eraser, and two pens.

"You needed school supplies," Vanila put a tray that stood on foldable legs down, "And a good breakfast."

"Wait," the little girl ran in, "Sonic, I made you cookies."

  It felt like this was breaking my heart. I ran up and hugged Vanilla, I lost count of how many times I cried thank you to her.

"Enough with the tears, you need to look bright for school," She dried my eyes and told me to eat.

  The food was amazing, I ended up crying as I ate it. With the amount I've been crying, I was sure I was dehydrated. I did eventually leave for school, but Vanilla made me stay until she made a lunch for me. I'd have to make deliveries for her after school, but I was okay with doing that. With everything she had done for me, I was willing to do anything she asked me to.


  I made it too Sol High School at seven fourty five. I felt too nervous to go through the door... I had never gone to school as a girl, almost no one was here yet. It was cold out so I had the uniform jacket on I brought my gym uniform and sneakers in my backpack, hopefully I'd get a locker to put them in. I took a breath and walked into the office. They took my picture and printed my school ID. I was given a schedule for my sophomore classes.

"Here we go..." I had a map of the school and was given the gym locker 769.

  This school was huge. Soon it was flooding with students. So far I hadn't been noticed. I found my homeroom class, E-2. I reached to open the door and it flew opened in front of me. It was a guy, a hedgehog. I hadn't seen another hedgehog except Scourge and my parents. I stepped aside so he could walk past me. A black furred hedgehog with scarlet highlights.

  I didn't know there were more of us... I wonder what class if he's in this class.


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