Ep 48

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PoV: Shadow

"We need to talk Faker."

"Who are you calling Faker? If anything you're the Faker since you fake everything just to have sex with some girl," Sonic wasn't struggling, but his look of annoyance stung.

"Don't change the topic," I grabbed him, "Who the hell do you think you are? You can't let some stranger carry you like a bride after the wedding."

"Excuse me? Why can't I? For the record Scourge is my best friend," he pushed me off him, "He knew me way before you did. And even after everything that happened to me guess what, he didn't call me disgusting. He hugged me and told me he missed me! You just keep bugging me even after you kicked me out of your house," it pissed me off... how he was defending that hedgehog who was a completely stranger. He expected me to believe that guy just accepted him? He couldn't just shut up right now. I didn't want to hear another word of him repeating shit from weeks ago, "Can't you just give me my jacket and leave me alon-mm!" He fought me as I continued to kiss him. It was only think I could think of.

  I hate this.

  Sonic's nails were digging into my hand.

  I hate this.

  Yet his lips were still as soft as ever.

  I hate this.

  He stopped struggling, and his nails let go of my hand. I felt my right hand gliding up the soft fur on his thigh...

  I hate this...

  His voice is always in my head, I hate that. His eyes, lips, body... why can't I find it as repulsive as I say it is? Why? Why is he all I can think about.

"Don't act like you know me from now on," I broke the kiss and Sonic was panting. I could see the subtle tremble in his knees.

"You fucking asshole... Why do you enjoy torturing me?" He was crying... What the hell... he should be happy, this is what every infected wants. "You said you hated me... I spent so long getting over you... Why the hell are you kissing me? I can't even tell what the hell I'm supposed to do now... Why do you torment me like this? Fuck you!"

"You aren't a victim damn it!" I snapped, "Don't act like it's only hard for you, you fucking fake. I can't get you out of my head! The fact that you ignore me to be with anyone else pisses me off! I don't care how long it takes, but until I get you out of my head you can't go flirting around with other guys."

"Oh fuck off!" I felt a sharp strike to my cheek causing me to let go of Sonic.

"Stay out of this!" I got up and found that damn green hedgehog, "You."

"Oh, what do you know, it's the guy who was no help at all," he helped Sonic up, "Sonic, is he one of the two?"

"Yeah..." Sonic answered, "He's not important-"

"Don't you fucking dismiss me! I can't go with you ignoring me again," I wipe the blood from my busted lip, this guy wasn't a bad fighter, I'd beat him down if I had to.

"You had your shot and you fucked up. Time to get lost. Let's go Sonic," he pulled Sonic out of the alley we were hiding in.

  The last thing I saw was Sonic looking back at me before they left.

"Oo shit, he lost he lost his girlfriend," I heard whispers behind me.

"Keep out of this!" I kick over a trashcan which sent two kids out of hiding. They ran out laughing and screaming.

  Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

"Fucking Damn It!" I threw a punch at the rain gutter besides me. I left a dent as well as a but of blood from my knuckles, "If that bastard hadn't show up-"

  How far would I have gone?
PoV: Sonic

  My heart was pounding... Shadow suddenly kissing me out of the blue was... My body was have way to strong a reaction. I couldn't tell if it was because of what Shadow did, or Scourge saving me.

"You face is all red, what else did he do to you?" Scourge was so close to my face, "I only saw him kiss you, but I couldn't see his right hand. Did he touch you somewhere?"

"No... it was just the kiss," I remember this warm feeling... I would get it anytime Scourge would get close or touch me. Crap... I got hard... I was wearing a white sun dress over my swim suit. Still, I held my bag over it in case. I really hope no one notices.

"Which room are you staying in?" He asked.

"I'm in room 34 on floor three," I took his hand and I felt a light flutter up my back, "I um..."

"I'll stay with you. I don't want to risk that guy coming after you. Is he your ex-boyfriend?"

"Not exactly. He would flirt and kiss me sometimes. Then he invited me over. He kicked me out of the house as soon as he stripped me. We've been fighting since. That was almost a month ago. I- ngh..." I felt a sharp pain in my back. Damn it... Shadow pushing me against that wall brought all the pain back from the fall.

"You okay? What hurts?" Scourge was so kind, it was weird not having him tease me today, "if he injured you all go back and kick his ass-"

"No! No... it wasn't Shadow. I saved a girl from falling down the stairs last week, in order to protect her I took the fall which resulted in a few bruises. But I'm fine, I promise."

"You weren't in pain before he pinned you," Scourge still looked pissed.

"Shadow doesn't know I did that. Can we just go back to my hotel room? I'd rather enjoy seeing you again then watching you fight."

"You need to watch how you say things you idiot."


"Alright then, we'll go to your hotel room and have some fun," he started walking me back to the hotel again.

"Thank you... I'll ask Blaze to rub some medicine on my back again."

"I can take care of that. Besides, I'd rather hang out with you in privet," he held my hand.

"Sure, I'll let Blaze know not to come in."

"I have a lot I hope to do with you. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds good."


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