Ep 20

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PoV: Sonic

"Okay," no one was watching me, I slipped the cash into the vent of Shadow's locker and left for class. Success!

  I ran to P.E where the girls spent the day doing yoga as the boys did wrestling. I wasn't jealous at all, wrestling wasn't something I was fond of, in fact I almost hated the sport since I was always with.

"Sonic you're so flexible," one of the girls came up to me as I was stretching.

"Y-You think so?" I sat up.

"You can do a perfect split, that's amazing!" She said, "How did you get so flexible?"

"Um... I guess I practice a lot," I answered, I do stretch before running at five am every day.

"Practice, is that so? Well, this class is perfect for you, bye~" she walked away and I continued with class. I saw her whispering to Amy next. Something tells me this is going to be another rumor...


  At the end if class I just quietly walked to my locker. I opened it and something fell out.

"Huh?" It was an envelope. I opened it- Shadow you ass! It was money! Shadow even left a note inside.

      Nice try, but this money is yours now.

  It pissed me off that he wouldn't take it back. I started going through and changing, then I noticed more on the back of the note.

P.s Here's a tip for letting me get a good wiff of your scent.

SHADOW YOU CREEP! I picked up my shirt, Shadow's scent was on it! He actually came into my locker and sniffed my uniform. I felt awkward wearing it now... I checked the cash, THERE WERE FIFTY EXTRA DOLLARS!!

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" I sighed as I put the cash away in my bag and shut my locker.

  I went through my day fighting with Shadow. I would slip the money in his bag, he pinned me to the wall and slipped it into my bra with an extra twenty. I took his wallet and put the money back. Shadow kissed me and put the money in my waist line with another 'tip'. Everything I tried he caught. Until it was time to go home. But the time I got home he had left me with three hundred and sixty five dollars...

"I give up..." I groaned.

"He's giving you a lot of money," Vanilla said, "As you sure you know his goal?"

"I don't know, he says things and does things... I can't really tell anymore..." I sighed.

"I see. Why don't you work in the shop today? Maybe some light sweeping will help clear you're head," Vanilla fixed my quills, "And I dont want you on the road when youre upset, its dangerous."

"Yes ma'am," I went to my apartment and changed into my work uniform.

  I spent the day sweeping. It was only monday, but I wished it was Sunday so I could enjoy my day off already. I spent yesterday thinking of all the plans to give Shadow his money back and they all failed horribly. I still had ramen left to eat, but I was out of milk and cereal.

"Time to go shopping I guess..." I clocked put of work at seven and changed clothes again. I looked at the cash Shadow gave me... "I can't use that," I grabbed the money Vanilla paid me for working and took pit a portion for food.

  I took the bike and road around until I found a grocery store. I grabbed a small basket for a few things. I got milk and cereal. I stopped as I noticed place and bowls were being sold in one aisle.

"No way!" I picked up a plain white bowl, "This one twenty five! Awesome!" I finally had a bowl, "Are spoons being sold too?"

  I noticed the small corner where hot meals were sold, "Perfect."

  I walked up to the edge of the counter to avoid being noticed. I quickly grabbed a handful of the plastic spoons and forks and stuffed them into my pocket before walking away. Guys pockets are the best~

  I checked the price to be sure I could afford everything I was buying. I was good to pay. I biked home with a smile on my face, I finally had a bowl! I stopped by a dollar store before heading back. I found some cheap dish soap and a sponge for three dollars and and a water bottle for two.

"This is perfect!" I cheered as I make it home. Once I was in my apartment I struggled to peel the sticker off my new bowl for about ten minutes then just gave up and washed it with the sticker. I washed all the spoons and forks too. Next I washed the water bottle and put the milk in the fridge. I picked up the old milk jug, "I could still make this into a bowl, crap I don't have a knife."

"Sonic what are you doing?" Vanilla was at the door with Cream and Cheese.

"I got a bowl," I happily showed her my new, now clean bowl.

"Is that so? It's a very nice bowl. Porcelain too, microwave save, an excellent choice," Vanilla replied, "But what about the plastic utensils you have?"

"I couldn't find any spoons for sale."

"Ms. Sonic, why do you have so much money on the table?" Cream asked.

"A dumb boy gave it to me, I'm going to give it back to him," I answered.

"Did he give it to you because he likes you?" Cream handed the money to me.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Cream, go to our room," Vanilla said and her daughter left, "Sonic, please be careful of this boy. If he's using money to impress you, then he may not be the best option."

"I'll be careful Ms. Vanilla," she handed me my plate back and I noticed something below the wrist of her glove. A bracelet with a small charm. I only saw the charm for a moment, but I saw black and white stripes and a rainbow... v?

"Take care of yourself," she left and I had one last plan.

  I set my alarm for half an hour early. The next morning bafor track practice, I wrapped the money in an envelope and they it into Shadow's mail box with a note inside.

"Told you I'd give the money back asshole!" I left for practice before any of the lights came on and I smiled as I left.

  Finally, free from guilt!


This is the bracelet. The symbol on means straight allies.

  You're straight, but support the LGBTQXYZ+ community!

Enjoy the story!

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