Ep 47

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PoV: Sonic

"Look~! I found a crab!" I watched as the crab walked across the sand.

"You want to eat it?" Scourge gave me a smug look.

"If you can catch it," I watched as it came closer.

"I agree, let's roast it," Blaze was holding a bucket, "These as well."

"Where did you get all the crabs from?" I saw at least four other crabs in the bucket she was holding.

"They like to rest in the rocks," she pointed to the rocks which were full of crabs.

"Got it!" Scourge grabbed the crab and held it up for us to see.

"Oh!" I applauded him for now.

"Thank you," he bowed, "We're having roasted crab for lunch!"

  He dropped it into Blaze's bucket and we walked back to our spot. Since the color we got for drinks was now empty, we used it to hold the crabs. We made sure to add sea water to keep them alive.

"Sonic, let's go," Blaze took my hand.

"Where?" I pulled Scourge with us.

"The water," she pulled me right up to the ocean.

"I thought cats hated water?" Scourge teased her.

"I thought hedgehogs were all prickly and tough. But sonic is soft and fluffy like a kitten~" Blaze hugged me and nuzzled into my neck. I couldn't help but laugh, her voice was tickling me.

"Hey, you gotta back off. Just cause you're new doesn't mean I'm out," Scourge grabbed me.

"Hmm?" Blaze had a smug look on her face, "This isn't a competition. You see," she whispered into his ear.

"Good to know. I have a few chicks I know of your interested in hanging out with them."

"I may take you up on that if I find you trustworthy enough," Blaze pulled my hands and I felt the cold sand bow my feet.

"Its cold," I didn't run like Blaze did, I stuck with walking in slowly. I felt a rush as I felt the water around my ankles. The sand gently being pulled out from under my feet, "Blaze-"

"I got you," Scourge grabbed my hand.

"Yeah," I slowly walked in with him. Blaze was watching from deeper water.

"I have a question to ask you when we get back to your hotel room," he whispered into my ear.

"Won't your teacher notice you're gone?" I asked.

"None of our teachers give two shits about anyone. The only one who noticed you were gone was the gym teacher."

"That kinda stings a little," I sighed, "But I have to admit. My life was definitely more peaceful with you guys-" I felt his grip tighten.

"Hey! What do you you're doing!" I felt a wave of utter humiliation as the fan club dedicated to me approached us.

"What? I'm hanging out with an old friend," Scourge pushed me behind him.

"Um... Scourge," I tugged on his tank top.

"An old friend? What a lie! We've been watching you all day and we're sick of it!"

"How dare you assume you can get close to Sonic without going through us first!"

"What are you, her boyfriend? Sonic's allowed to hang out with anyone she wants," Scourge switched the pronouns he used on me so quickly, it kind of frightened me for a moment.

"Tsk, our job is to protect her. We will force you to back off if we have to."

"You picking a fight?" Scourge was already riled up. I could never stop him past this point.

"Hey, hey," pushed them away from each other, "Back off. Sorry, sometimes the fan club forgets it's place is to serve and observe Sonic. Not interact!" She snapped, "You all need to back off. This is Scourge, he's been Sonic's friend long before she transferred."

"You have a fan club..." Scourge just stared at me.

"I wanted no part of it. I found out about them almost three weeks ago. Blaze is apparently their president?" I felt some relief when the trio of guys left.

"Is that so? They seem to get jealous really easily," He looked down at me and had the stupid smug on his face.

"What are you thinking?" I had missed that dumb smile of his.

"Hey~ I'm making this girl all mine~!"

"Scourge!" I hit his chest the second he scooped me up into his arms, "Shut up! You'll give everyone the wrong idea!" I couldn't laughing. I hadn't felt this happy before, I didn't want to lose this feeling.

"Hey! You can't do that here!" I knew that voice all too well, it was Amy.

"Amy, come hang out with us," a group of our classmates pulled her away.

"Hey! Wait! Sonic is that way!" She was pulled away and they disappeared into the food stands. Blaze just smiled at me with a thumbs up.

  Why do I get the feeling she's up to something?

"Want to go check on the crabs?" Scourge asked. He was still carrying me in his arms with a two armed lift.

"Yeah, but um... put me down first, everyone in the club is glaring at us," I  could feel everyone's eyes against us.

"So what, all they're seeing is a boy and girl hanging out together. Right?" He winked at me.


"Alright everyone! Time to pack up!" I didn't know why, but it felt like all the happiness I just had was sucked away. I'd be trapped in this school with an over dramatic emo hedgehog who couldn't handle the truth...

"Hey..." Scourge knelt now and wiped my cheek, "What's up with all the tears? You're supposed to be tough aren't you."

"Heh... no... not like this... I... I wish I could stay a while longer. But we have to go back to the hotel," I sighed.

"If I skip class you promise not you yell at me?" He said, he was still skipping school.

"This time I won't. Don't you need to get your stuff?" I asked.

"I'll meet you at the hotel. Which one is it?" He took his phone out of his pocket.

"It's the Beach side hotel," I answered.

"Then I'll see you in about three minutes because that is also my classes hotel," he got up and put me down, "see you soon."

"See you soon," I waved as he left.

"You two are so cute," Blaze had the biggest smile on her face.

"He's just a friend," I packed up our stuff and helped carry everything back. We wound up letting the crabs go since we had no time to cook them.

"I think you two go make it," Blaze nudged me.

"Yeah right. Scourge just likes to mess with me is all," I answered as we started walking.

"The fan club is pissed," she sighed as she noticed the glares, "I'll handle this. I'll meet you in our rooms if I can't see you on the walk back."

"Okay," I had a little time to myself. I took a deep breath but I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off my face. I guess I'm just to happy right now.



"Ah!" I was suddenly pinned to the wall on the walk back, Shadow had grabbed me, "What do you want?"

"We need to talk Faker."


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