Ep 12

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PoV: Sonic

"L-let go. This is uncomfortable," I tried pushing Rouge off me.

"What's wrong? I just want to know your body type," her hand was staring to move towards my skirt.

  Oh crap! She'll find out!

"Rouge! That's enough. You'll make her think you're one of those infected girls. And don't you have a boy toy to keep you busy?" Shadow pulled me away from her. His hand was on my hip!

"Meh, he's kinda boring. I just have to give his dick a squeeze and it'll fucking explode," she pulled my ear, "I wonder how fast he would blow of you played with him."

"N-No thanks..." as nice as that sounds, I don't know the guy.

"Go fuck some other guy," Shadow pulled me closer to him.

"You're no fun," Rouge sat down, "Infinite~"

"Don't even think about it," He snapped.

"I'll pay you ten dollars," Rouge wayed a ten in front of him.

"You get half an hour. And don't fuck up my carseat this time," they left and I was alone with Shadow.

"It took her long enough. I didn't realize she would pester us so much," Shadow's hand lowered.

"Y-yeah... It's just us now..." I'm alone with him. Oh chaos...

"I don't know anything about my lab partner yet. Why don't you tell me something you like?"

"S-Something I like? Well... I... I like video games..." crap, does that sound too much like a guy?! Maybe I sould have said shopping. Ahh! Shopping is too boring. Damn it!

"Video games? You mean all the Princess games for girls. I only thought little kids liked those," Shadow pulled his hand away. I'm so fucking stupid...

"I... I guess..." I felt like screaming, but I couldn't. He hates me...

"I could care less about video games. Tell me something else," he said.

"Well... I mean... I like other things too," I mumbled.

"Care to clarify?" He played with one of my quills.

  I didn't know what to say. Were the things I usually liked too boyish? What should I say if I'm pretending to be a girl.

"I like food," what the fuck was that?! Who doesn't like food! I sound like a glutton...

"Yet you can't cook?" He started chuckling.

"Its not funny... I've never cooked before..."

"You mother didn't bother to teach you? What a pathetic wife."

"Don't you dare!" I snapped, "Insult me all you want fucker but my mother raised me and worked hard! You ever talk about that way again and I'll kick your ass!"

  He burst out laughed, "You really think a girl can kick anyone's ass? Chaos you're insane! Hahahaha!"

  He's seriously starting to piss me off!

"I think I'm going to go," I grabbed my bag and left him there, "What a fucking asshole!"

  I thought guys were supposed to be sweet and kind to girls. Good to know there just as much a jerk to girls as they are to guys. What a boner killer.

  I didn't want to talk to Shadow during chem class. I ignored anything he had to say to me and went straight to culinary after.

"You look mad today," Blaze up an apron around my waist, "Something happen.

"Just some idiot boy being an asshole," I growled, "Geez, guys never have any concern."

"No, they don't really. Do you have work today?" She asked.

"Yeah, but it's only one delivery today," I answered.

"Where do you work? I'll pick you up," she said.

"That's really not necessary," I answered, "you gave me your address I'll find my way to your place, okay. Besides, I'd like to change out of my uniform before I head over."

"Alright, I'll teach you how to make an egg for now. Here, we start with butter."



"Sonic, how was the deliver?" Vanilla asked as I got back.

"It went fine. I did have some trouble finding the right house, but that's all," I answered.

"That's good. Are you going somewhere?" She asked as I looked through my bag for Blaze's address.

"Yeah, a friend invited me over. She's going to teach me how to cook."

"Sonic," Vanilla placed a hand on my shoulder, "Don't push yourself too hard."

"Y-yes ma'am," I left to my apartment and opened my drawers to change.

"Wait... what should I wear?" I put down the T-shirt in my hand, "I cant wear my usual clothes... maybe this?"

  I hadn't bothered to by girls clothing yet. I only had my usual guy clothes... I can't go out wearing these! She'll know I'm a boy for sure... unless.

  I grabbed the skirt from the school uniform and pulled it back on. Then i grabba a black long sleeve shirt I packed.

"Perfect!" I looked like a girl, and I looked casual, "Okay first paycheck we by a bowl, fork and some clothes."

  I grabbed my house keys and left. I was going to walk there since I could only take the bike to and from school. The address didn't seem too far, I liked long walks anyway.


  I hate this walk... it took an hour to find my way here. And her house was huge! I didn't want to stand anymore.

"I should have asked to borrow the bike..." I wept a little before ringing the door bell.

"Sonic, you made it- why are you on the floor?" Blaze helped me up after opening the door.

"I walked all the way here..."

"What! No way! You should have let me drive you here," she let me sit down on the couch and I leaned back.

"Its okay. I don't mind the exercise," I replied, "Could I get a little bit of water?"

"Yes, of course," she handed me a glass and I gratefully drank the water inside. She started laughing as I drank.

"What is it?" I asked, "is something in my fur?"

"You're wearing the skirt to the school uniform."

"Oh! That well... I uh..." she noticed! "I didn't really have any other skirts..."

"You could have some of mine of you want," she took my hand, "Come look."

"Wait, I thought we were going to cook?" I walked with her up to a large bedroom.

"We have all night. You can try on some clothes and then we'll bake a cake."


  So this is how girls hang out... It's peaceful. Fun. No porn, no yelling, no play fighting and getting hurt.

  I like this... this...

  It feels right.


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